volume2:FOOD WARS!

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Me and Jane were eating lunch with team rwby when a giant binder was thrown onto the table by ruby.

Y/n:What the hell is that?

Ruby:Four score and seven minutes ago I had a dream!

Y/n:You do know what four score means,right?

Ruby:No I do not!

Jane:It means fourty years.

Ruby:Oh. That doesn't mean i don't have a dream! A dream that the,one,two,three

She began to count all of us at the table,using her finger.

Ruby:Six! That the six of us could come together as friends a d have the best second semester ever!

Weiss:That's my binder!

Ruby:I am not a crook.

Blake:What are you talking about?

Ruby:I'm talking about starting the semester off with a bang!

Yang looked over to us.

Yang:I prefer to start with a"yang"!

As she said this a blueberry came from no where and hit her on the head,as Nora could be heard booing from her table.

Yang:Really no one liked that?

Y/n:Jane and I liked it.

Jane:Y/n would make chessy jokes like that all the time.

Yang moved across the table to get closer to me.

Yang:You like puns too?!

Y/n:They're my favorite type of humor.


Ruby:Think about it guys, with the new students and the tournament,our second semester is going to be so awesome!

Y/n:Hate to rain on your parade but classes start tomorrow.

As we talked we could see yang get more and more agitated at the flying food coming her way.

Ruby:That's why I made this binder of activities for today.

Weiss:Should I be proud or scared of what you have planned for today.

Y/n:Yang dont--and she threw the apple.

Yang:Its not like this is going to start a food fight.

As I stood to go put my tray up,I got nailed in the back of the head by a pie. I turned around to see team jnpr.

Y/n:I got this.

I picked up a chicken and threw it at nora,who I'm pretty sure was the one that threw the pie.

Y/n:Hahaha. I got you.

Random kid:FOOD FIGHT!


Before any of us could react a full blown food war broke out in the cafitera. Most people ran to the doors but me,Jane,rwby,and jnpr all stayed for the impending fight.

Y/n:Leave this to me!

I grabbed a nearby,abnormally long,bauggete and rushed in on team jnpr,who had made a gaint castle from the table. Pyrah went in to stop me,with tray as a shield and a normal sized bauggete. Our fight kicked off with me doing a downward slash,only for it to be blocked by her makeshift shield. She went to stab me with her weapon as I kicked off her shield,landing from backflip at a safe distance.

Y/n:I've always wanted to cross swords with the legendary pyrah nikos.

Pyrah:Well they may just be ,very, durable pieces of bread but it's the same energy,right?

Y/n:If you count it as a duel then I do too.

Pyrah:Well then,have at thee.

We rushed eachother and doged her swipe and attacked with my own slash to her left side of her abdomen. I hit her and she got me in the chest with her bread. We looked over to our left to see a hail of watermelons going onto team rwby.

Y/n:Are you guys ok?!

Yang:Focus on your fight!

I looked back to see pyrah go for the attack to disarm me,I doged out of the way and did a shoulder rush followed up with a heavy slash across the top. I broke pyrah's weapon in half and kicked her in the gut,sending her flying backward.


The five of us rushed in on the four of them,ren and Nora ran straight for us only to be stopped by Weiss making ketchup spread on the floor,slipping ren onto his ass as Nora jumped into the air and grabbed a flag pole. She ripped the pole off and impaled a watermelon as she hit the ground,creating a makeshift sledge hammer. Nora then went to swing down onto Weiss but ruby got in the as ruby jumped infront of Weiss,I jumped infront of ruby blocking the hit for the both of them. Weiss grabbed a sword fish and went to attack nora,giving me break as she doged backwards. Weiss pursued her target only for her to be put on the defensive and finally sent flying into a pillar. Ruby rushed over to Weiss and grabbed Weiss before she was crushed by the falling pillar.

Y/n:You'll pay for that,you witch!

I rushed Nora with my bread and began to attack multiple times without giving her any breathing room but before I could successfully get a hit in I was launched back by a flurry of cans being hurled at me by pyrah. I was thrown into a wall behind Weiss and ruby and I saw yang begin to rush in with two turkeys on her hands,she began to fight with ren as I stood up and got back in the fight,I went after pyrah,who managed to keep me at bay with her cans. I began to gain progress as I blocked the cans and got close to pyrah only for me to be kicked in the side of the head by ren,I was sent flying to my left and I even lost my weapon. I sat there dazed as I looked over to see yang get smashed through the ceiling.
Blake and Nora fought as Nora threw grape soda grenades at her,she doged most of them but couldn't keep up when pyrah began to throw her cans at Blake. I got up,again, and saw ruby begin to take a running stance,she dashed as fast as she could at them,creating a vortex of cans,food,and other items. This seemed to be enough and team jnpr was flung against the wall and catapulted with food and other things. Team rwby,along with myself, had won the food war. As I stood up and dusted my self off I saw goodwitch bust through the doors and,along with being angry, she began to clean the cafitera with her semblance. I walked over to the hole and the ceiling as goodwitch was about to patch it up.

Y/n:You probably shouldn't do that.

Goodwitch:And why is that?

As she asked her question I put my arms out and caught yang,who had fallen through the same hole she went through.

Y/n:Because of her.


She went to wrap her arms around me and I dropped her to the ground.


Y/n:You're welcome.

We all began to laugh with eachother at the food war that had just finished,thanks to one ruby rose.

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