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We left the village,that me Jaune had gotten our new armor from, and were making our way to the next village.

Ruby:Y/n,that blacksmith said that your new stuff was made from a sword,did you?

Y/n:I used dad's sword to make this. I'm sure he won't mind.

Ruby:Do you blame yourself for what happened?

I continued looking forward and began to walk a little faster.

Ruby:Y/n? Please answer me.

Y/n:It's getting pretty late,we spent all day fighting and finding that rock monster,we should set up camp.

Jaune:Right,it's a bad idea to walk through the night.

We set up camp,I doged ruby's  question the entire time we got ready to sleep. We laid down and all of went to sleep.


I was bound in chains to the middle of the arena from the vytal festival. I looked around and saw Grimm ripping through the innocent people of vale,while I'm powerless to stop it.  I saw beo get his head ripped off by a ursa while Jane was being dragged away by salem.

Jane:Help me,y/n!

I attempted break from my chains but I barley made them rattle,yuno chased after Jane but was killed by me,in my grimm armor, I shoved my sword through his back and cut him in half.


The monster,that was representing me, walked closer to me,showing off his sword as he did. Yang got between us but fell to the ground,in pain, after i cut her arm off.


He didn't quit his progression to me but this time father dropped down infront of me,he attempted to talk with the dark version of myself but was stopped when his head was severed from his body.


I was furious,I continued to try and break the chains that held me down but I was still too weak. He crouched down to my level as his helmet receded while the rest of the armor stayed on,what I had known to be true was finally confirmed. It was me,I had killed them all. I felt a pair of hands wrap around my shoulders,rubbing them.

Voice2:There you go,get angry. Get angry and execute!


I woke up in a cold sweat with my armor,sword,and shirt resting next to me. I got up and grabbed my sword,I walked over to a patch in the woods and began to swing my sword. As I practiced with my sword I heard a familiar voice,it sounded like Pyrah's. I walked to where I heard the voice and saw Jaune with his sword and shield in fighting position,he was taking instructions from a recording of pyrah on his scroll.

Y/n:You miss her,don't you?

He seemed shocked but turned around,a sad look on his face.

Jaune:Is it bad that I do?

Y/n:Not at all. I still miss uncle oz and my dad. Yuno is better at talking to people then I am but he's not here,so you'll have to deal with me.

Jaune:Any help is good help.

Y/n:It's a good thing you miss her,it means you had a good bound with her. She loved you,you know?

Jaune:It never crossed my mind,at the time. How are you and Yang?

Y/n:I haven't talked to her since we left for heaven,when I left she seemed like she hated me.

The recording replayed itself again.

Y/n:Turn that off for a sec.

He walked over to his scroll and paused the video that was playing.

Jaune:Now what?

Y/n:It's good that you listen to her,I can see you've been working hard but you can't just work one combo. Let's spar,for a little bit.

Jaune:But you don't even have a shirt on.

Y/n:I get hurt that's my fault,now then,come at me.

Jaune charged me,shield first, and attempted to slam his shield into me, I doged to the left and kicked him in the side of the chest. He tumbled a little but stayed his ground.

Y/n:Good job,now put your weapon down.


Y/n:Before we fight with weapons.

I slammed my sword into the ground,making it stand straight up, and put my hands up in a boxing position.

Y/n:We got to fight with our fists.

He leaned his sword and shield against a tree and put his hands it a fighting position.

Y/n:Show me what you got.

He rushed me and went to jab my face I moved to the right and right hooked him across the face,he fell to his back on the floor.

Y/n:Good at sword play,not so good when it comes to boxing.

Jaune:Give me a break.

Y/n:I just did,get up, I'm attacking first this time.

He stood up and I rushed him,when I was close enough and I dropped down and slammed my foot into the side of his jaw. He spun backwards but managed to keep himself up.

Jaune:Why are we doing this?

Y/n:How do fight with no weapon? You box. Now get ready,we aren't done.

I rushed him again and went to punch him,he doged back but I didn't stop my attack. I kept throwing punches and he kept doging back,I wasn't stoped until he brought his foot up and kicked me across the face. As his foot made contact I grabbed his leg and brought him down to the ground,I sat on top of him and began to throw punches at his face. He wrapped his hands around the back of my hand and brought me down to his chest,making it hard for me to move. I punched him in the side of the  torso,he coughed up some blood and let go of me but when I went to get up he wrapped his legs around me and elbowed me in face. We turned around and he ended up on top,he tried to punch me across the face but I blocked his attacks. He got up off of me and we stood up once again,both of us ready to go. He held out his hand,telling me to hold on. He took off his chest plate and shirt and got ready to fight again.

Jaune:Now this is fair.

Y/n:You would do that for an enemy?

Jaune:No but your a friend.

Y/n:Good enough.

He rushed me this time and got a punch off,I went on the defensive as he kept up his flurry of attacks. When he ran out of breath I grabbed him by the head and kneed him in the stomach,he punched me in the face as I did so. Blood was oozing out of as we backed up and looked at each other,we went to fight again but we both stopped when we heard a sound in the bushes. We looked over and saw ruby and nora jump out of the bush as ren slowly did the same.

Y/n:What are you three doing?

Ruby:What are you two doing?

Jaune:Was helping me with my boxing.

I looked over to him and held out a hand,he took it and we shaked hands.

Y/n:You're pretty tough,even if you don't look like it.

Jaune:I was trained by pyrah nikos,I had to be tough.

Y/n:Then she did a good job.

We looked over to the others as they watched in silence.

Jaune:We didn't wake you guys up,did we?

Ruby:Yeah,but don't worry about it!

Ren:You were training,so I think it's fine.

Nora:Y/n! We should box some time,it would be so much fun!

Y/n:If your okay with it,I don't mind.

Ruby:Well,if we're all up, we should get moving!

The Executioner(male reader x rwby)Where stories live. Discover now