volume3:A tournament

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It was the beginning of the festival and we were put up first,to fight.

Yuno:This is going to be fun!

Y/n:Ripping apart a team from a diffrent school,I can't think of a better pass time.

Jane:Don't talk big and then lose.

Y/n:Once,I've lost once.

Yuno:The great exectioner has been defeated? That's a story I want to hear.

Y/n:Another time.

We walked into the arena as we took our place on our side of the ring. We stood there as we saw our enemy team come from the opposite side of the ring,a girl with white hair and a chain scythes,a tall boy with a great sword and black hair,another boy with a dopey smile and pair of daggers,and girl with blue hair and a spear. The boy with the great sword looked me up and down,glaring as he did. The blue haired girl made a seductive face at yuno as the white haired girl looked bewildered at beo. Then the boy with the daggers and smile,along with blonde hair, looked at Jane wondering why a child was here. The boy with the great sword began to speak.

Jack: Another great Sword? This is going to be a pain.

The blued hair girl looked over at her teammate.

Rachel:Oh,c'mon,this is going to be fun,I know I'm going to enjoy it.

She said the last part with a sexual undertone whilst facing yuno. Next the white haired girl spoke.

Snow:They have a beowolf,is that even allowed?

Jack:Who cares,well win anyways.

The last one to speak was the boy with blonde hair.

Garin: C'mon guys, the team we fight is legendary! The executioner, the prodigy,the hourglass,and the alpha! I can't wait to fight them!

Port:Team EXTN(execution) of beacon vs Team grnn(green) of haven. This is looking to be an amazing march for the ages,right professer oobleck?

Oobleck:Doctor, and yes it is an amazing  up match up! With the son and daughter of the blackswords man and the boy known to munipulate time for his sembalance,along with their pet beowolf, this is obviously ment to make history and be an outstanding example of what everyone should aspire to do with their own respective matches.

Port:Well said,professer!

The arena was chosen and my team got a heavily wooded area as the enemy got a snowy mountain.

Rachel:I'm not dressed for something like that!

I took my execution blade off my back and got into a fighting stance and the buzzer rang,to start the fight. I rushed the other great sword user and our swords interlocked in a struggle for power. We locked eyes and I began to over power him. He sucked in a gaint breath and,with a smile, blew fire from his mouth. I doged to the left,making the fire miss me. He made a wall of flames and went to help his teammate with the spear, I dashed through the slammed my blade into his side,sending him into the snow. He stood up and beared his teeth at me in a frown,I returned his aggravated look with a look of murderous glee.

Jack:Who the hell jumps "through" fire!?

Y/n:Some call me the black devil other call me the executioner.

I rushed him and swung my blade down for his head and it was blocked by his blade. He dropped to a knee and continued to resist me.

Jack:Why is it so damn heavy!

Y/n:My sword is four hundred pounds,making it the heaviest sword on the face of the planet,it's also one hundred times heavier then your typical great sword,it's six times as thick and twice as long as an average sword. In other words,this is going to HURT!

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