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Yuno threw his katana at me,while boosting it forward with a bullet,as he ran at me with his other blade. I went to stop him by grabbing onto him but I was stopped by the katana that he sent flying,when I went to pull it out I was stabbed with the katana he had in his hand.

Yuno:Don't make me hurt you more.

He asked this with the most serious face I had ever seen,I wanted to comply but I wasn't able to.


Yuno:What broke you?

I went to grab him by the throat but I missed as he stoped time and moved away from me,taking his weapons with him. My red eyes glowed a darker red as I picked up my sword,ready to kill. I ran at him and brought my sword down where his head would be,he dodged to the left and shoved his katana in my side. As he did so I grabbed the weapon and pulled him forward,I grabbed him by the neck and slammed him into the ground. When he hit the floor he spat out a mouthful of blood but when I let go and attempted to slam my sword into him,he vanished and appeared on my back. Once on my back he took the one sword he still had in his hand and stabbed my through the gut,I looked back at him and attempted to stab myself through the gut with my sword to attack him. Before the blade went through ruby shot the sword off target and made the blade cut me rather then impale me. Yuno jumped off my back and looked me in the eyes as I turned around to face him,he stood up as he readied his katana.

Yuno:I'll save you from this,then I'll save Jane. I'd rather die then let that promise fade away!

He ran at me,speeding time up on himself so he would go faster,when he got close I went to slash down on his side. When the sword got close he jumped into the air and landed on the sword,he raised his katana and began to slash down onto me. After cutting into me and he jumped off my sword and landed next to his katana. This time I ran at him and swung my blade for his torso,he dodged back but the sword cut into his skin and left a large gash on the right side of his stomach. He put a hand over the wound and as he was distracted I lunged at him,ready to slash into his throat but before I could get close ruby shot a sniper shot that went into my jaw. I glared at her and began to dash towards her,my bloodlust growing with each breath I took.

Voice1:What about your promise?

I could feel the bloodlust loosen a bit but not enough to stop me,I went to claw her but was stoped when yuno wrapped his blades around my neck from behind. I swung my head back and collided with Yuno's skull,the blades were removed from my neck as I turned around.

Voice1:He's doing so much and you want to hurt him.

Once again the bloodlust dropped but I still wanted more. I swung my blade and it was blocked by Yuno's katana's,his nose and lip bleeding along with his stomach. He kicked me in the chest,followed up by a slash, and stoped time on my body,I could still see and look around.

Yuno:I've got to finish this now!

His clock eyes began to go haywire as they went clockwise and counter clockwise,he sped around me while also cutting into me everytime he passed me. When he was done he collapsed to the floor,from exhaustion and blood loss, I also dropped to my knees but I could keep fighting. I stood up,while grabbing my sword, and walked towards yuno,getting ready to kill.

Yuno:Executed by the executioner,one hell of a way to go out.

I got closer and was about to raise my sword when a small naked creature with insect wings and blue hair began to fly infront of me.

I got closer and was about to raise my sword when a small naked creature with insect wings and blue hair began to fly infront of me

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The presence of the creature called me to a point where my armor vanished off from my body. The small creature looked very confused at the fact that I'm not my father.

Puck:You're not guts but your souls feel so similar. Wait,you're his son! What was your name,I can't remember,that's not important. I'm puck and I'm an elf! I traveled with your dad for a while,I felt some distressed people over here and came to help.

I could barley stand and I was talking to a mythial creature. I looked over and saw ruby was next to yuno,treating his wounds. I moved the fairy out of the way and walked to yuno,I dropped to my knees as tears flooded out of my eyes.

Y/n:I'm so sorry,yuno! What kind of friend am I,i almost killed you!

His smile returned to his face as he looked at me.

Yuno:Hey,hey! No crying your the executioner and your not going to let one little fight beteen friends mess you up,are you?

Y/n:It's all my fault.

The fairy from early came back and landed on my shoulder.

Puck:*Whistle* Wow,you got him good. Lucky for you guys,you have an elf! Now let me see both of your injuries!

Yuno let his wounds show to the elf as a sort of dust flaked off of him,when that was finished he came over to me and ran his hands along me stab and slash wounds. Weall looked astonished at the merical that was being put out infront of us.

Ruby:What are you?!

The elf landed on my head as he responded.

Puck:Like I said before,I'm an elf and my name is puck! I use to travel with this guys dad.

He stomped his small feet on my head as he talked about traveling with my dad,I brought up a hand and grabbed him by the wings. After grabbing him I brought him down to infront of my eyes.

Y/n:Puck,You can heal people?

Puck:One of the perks of being an elf,magic healing dust

Y/n:Does it work with poison?



I stood up and walked to where I saw yuno set qrow. I crouched down to qrow,who was conscious, and let go of puck.

Puck:You can't just carry an elf around like that! Show some some respect,just like your old man should have but never did.
Y/n:Yeah,yeah. Now then,what can you do about this?

He took a look at qrow and a confident smile came onto his small face.

Puck:This is light work for an elf such as i!

I cut open qrow's bandage and puck rubbed his hands across the wound,he then flew up to about qrow and looked at him.

Puck:If you want to get rid if the poison for good you need to open your mouth.

Qrow looked over to me,a less then serious look on his face.

Qrow:You want me to take orders from a bug?

Puck:I'm an elf! And I'm the one you should be talking to!

Y/n:Just do it.


Qrow opened his mouth and puck rubbed his hands together as a dust dropped into Qrow's mouth. Puck looked back to me.

Puck:He should be fine now,no need for thanks I'm use to unending praise.

Y/n:I was going to say thanks but now I'm going to say that your a jerk.

Puck:You're a bastard swordsman, just like your dad.

Qrow stood up and seemed like he was back in tip top condition.

Qrow:That pixie dust did some real work,I'm surprised.

We walked from behind the house,puck sitting on my shoulder, as a couple of drop ships with the haven academy logo on them. I looked over to puck.

Y/n:What are you going to do?

Puck:I kept your dad in line,now I have to keep you in line too. Your family tree is messed up when it comes to wanting to kill.

Y/n:Right,the names y/n l/n. Welcome aboard,puck.

Puck:Thanks but I got one question. Where is guts?

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