volume4:hard choices.

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(A/N:Yo,zer0 here, so I have decided to give names to each volume,other then a number, Volume1 was"the beginning", Volume2 was"learning to love", Volume3 was"the clock ticks down",and last,for now, is volume4"path to redemption". Tell me what you think as we continue our adventure with the executioner.

As we walked Jaune informed us about our next location,a small town his family would travel too. I had my new armor on as we all walked,we were nearing the village. I looked up into the sky,there was smoke coming from infront of us.


I pointed up and the others saw the smoke.

Jaune:We should look for survivors.

Ruby:Then what are we waiting for?!

We rushed into the village and looked around,no one but a single huntsman was still breathing,I walked over to him and kneeled down to his level.

Y/n:What happened?

Huntsman:Bandits and after they cleared out,with all the panic,


He nodded his head.

Y/n:You're not going to make it.

Huntsman:I know.

Y/n:Would you like me to put you to rest?


I took out a small knife and stabbed the man in a place where he would feel no pain,after I had done so ruby ran up to me and pushed me away from the man.

Ruby:Why would you do that?! We could have saved him!

Y/n:He wasn't going to make it,the next town is too far!

Ruby:You don't know that!

Y/n:Have you ever killed someone,ruby? Because I have! I know what fatal injuries look like,he wasn't going to live!

She stomped off but kept her mouth shut. Ren walked over to me as I put knife away.

Ren:You did the right thing,putting him out of his pain.

Y/n:I know,I just hope ruby realizes that sometimes you have to make tough decisions.

Ren:She will,she has too.

We left the town and began to walk away from the tragic scene that we had just went through. As we walked everyone's spirits seemed to have dropped drastically.

Y/n:Things will be better in the next village.

Jaune:If it's there.

Y/n:Don't say that.

Ruby:Yeah,it has to be there!

Ren:It has a pretty good inn,making it rather popular.

Y/n:See,no camping tonight!

Nora:Yeah! Y'know I thought we would see more grimm.

Y/n:I'd prefer we didn't.

Ruby:Yeah,luck is on our side.

We walked a little further and eventually set up camp,deciding we wouldn't make it there that day. I set down my stuff and walked into the woods,with my sword. I began to practice as my thoughts ran rapid with the fall of beacon. I was inturupt by ruby walking up behind me,I put my sword on my shoulder and turned around to face her.

Y/n:What's up,Ruby?

Ruby:Do you always do this,work out in the woods with just your pants on?

Y/n:Most of the time,yes. Only when there is a set of woods around. Would your sister like you gazing apon her boyfriend when he's half naked?

Ruby:Don't say that! It's weird!

Y/n:You got to be quite! You'll wake the others.


I sat down on a tree stump,from a tree I cut down earlier,as ruby did the same.

Y/n:To tell you the truth,I do this as a way to handle stress.

Ruby:What's on your mind? Are you still thinking about beacon? You don't think it was your fault,do you?

Y/n:I don't think the attack was because of me,maybe in some way, but if I hadn't let the armor take over me,I could have saved dad and uncle oz! I could have stopped yang from losing an arm and I could have went with yuno to find jane! But no I had to let my emotions loose and I payed for it by spending precious time in a bed,doing nothing! Now look at me,the executioner has been devolved into a the same little boy he was when he first started travelling. I can't even keep control over my armor anymore,the last time I used it I almost killed you and the others. I'm pathetic and worthless to our group,the only thing I bring is raw power and without a semblance I'm no good in long range..... I could have saved her.

Ruby:Yang or Jane?

Y/n:Both! If I had a semblance I wouldn't have to rely on this stupid armor, I wouldn't be where I am if I was stronger. I could have saved beacon,be the hero I always wanted to be.

Ruby:I know something about wanting to be a hero. I watched pyrah die right infront of me and I couldn't do anything to stop it. I feel so guilty,I was right there but I couldn't stop that arrow,I wasn't quick enough.

Y/n:I guess we both came on this journey for a reason.

Ruby:Yeah,we all did.

Y/n:Then I guess you can call this out path to redemption,for the people who failed to save beacon.

Ruby:We failed once but never again,right?

Y/n:Never again.

The Executioner(male reader x rwby)Where stories live. Discover now