volume2:the black Swordman vs the exectioner

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(A/n:Hi zer0 here, this is a warning before you read any further. The following chapter has very strong laungue and mentions rape, sexual assault, and suicide,if you are not okay with this do NOT read this chapter and read the one that will be coming out here soon. Thank you for your continued support.)

After the food fight I returned to my room and cleaned off. I showered and washed my clothes,from the food and other things. I left the shower and went into the main room,where from the window I saw that man again. I grabbed my normal gear and my sword and rushed out of the room and to the place I saw the man. When I got there I saw him enter a leaving bullhead,so I jumped on another bullhead that was going to the same place. It took me a solid half an hour before arriving at the landing point,which was forever falls. I left the bullhead and saw the man go into the woods,I followed him and I finaly came to a cleared out section. I looked around,and saw nothing until the man I had been chasing dropped infront of me.

Y/n:Who the hell are you?! Why are you watching me?!

Guts:Its normal for a father to look at his son grow.

Y/n:You're my father? Where the hell have you been while me and your daughter have been wondering!? The reason I am the exectioner is because of you,black swordsman!

Guts:Y/n,you are my only child.


Guts:Jane is not my child. Her true father is a man named Griffith. You two are siblings you share the same mother.

Y/n:So,my mother slept around,is that what your telling me!?

He walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder,I quickly smacked it off of me.

Y/n:DON'T TOUCH ME! Don't you ever touch me.

Guts:I loved your mother and she wasn't some slut that slept with a ton of men at a time. She was raped.

Y/n:Don't tell me.

Guts:And the man that did it was named Griffith.

Y/n:I'll kill him.

Guts:I already did.

Y/n:So,what happened to mom?

Guts:She's,she's dead.After giving birth to Jane she hung herself,in a diffrent town.

Y/n:And you just sat there and let her do it!

Guts:I didn't do that!

I drew my sword and pointed it at him.

Y/n:Then prove to me your my father,give me a reason to believe you.

He drew his sword,that seemed to be the same as mine,but it was cracked around the entire blade.

Y/n:You're really going to fight with that,old man?

Guts:This is the sword yours was based on,show it respect.

Y/n:There's another thing I want to know. Is ozpin really my uncle?

Guts:He was a good friend that felt like a brother, he's not by blood but he's the best you got.

Y/n:Yeah,he was more of a father them you ever were.

I rushed him with my sword and he just stood there,when I was about to make contact  he blocked with his sword and the cracks on it grew even wider. After he blocked I raised my sword again and spun to attack his side,he moved backwards and I dashed forward. I swung downwards and our swords interlocked in a clash.


He kicked me in the chest but I held my ground and headbutted him in the nose. He didn't give ground either and our eyes locked as I began to be over powered by him.

Y/n:I won't lose to you!

My armor over took me and I pushed him back. He jumped back and I rushed again,I went to run him through with my blade,he blocked with the flat end of his blade and he shot an arrow into my arm,I didn't flinch from the sudden arrow in my skin and I pressed harder against his sword.

Guts:She cursed you with it. That's why I can't use it anymore.


Guts:I'm so sorry,son.

I pulled my sword back and swung from the left,trying to cleave through guts,the black swordsman. He blocked me again but this time my blade sunk into his,I pushed harder and I severed his blade in half. He jumped back,again, but I followed and went to stab him through the chest.


I dropped my sword and stopped in my tracks as the armor began to recede and I clutched my head,trying to regain control of my own body. I eventually won the war for my consciousness and I fell to my knees,exhausted from my fight with my father and the mental battle I had just went through. He kneeled down to level with me and we looked at eachother.

Guts:I'm not the fighter I was before but I can sure as hell help you,help you fight her.

As I looked at him yang and Jane ran up behind me and grabbed me,helping me stand.

Guts:Your arms must be broken from how hard you were swinging your blade.

Yang:Who is this guy,y/n?

Y/n:His name is guts,and he's my father.

Jane looked at guts and he put his hand on her head,patting it.

Guts:Look how big you've gotten,both of you. I'm proud.

The Executioner(male reader x rwby)Where stories live. Discover now