Volume3:The executioners inner demon is released.

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We were all still in the room after Blake saying she would trust yang.

Yang:I think I should get some rest.

Ruby:We'll leave you alone then.

Y/n:Yeah,I'm sure this has been rough for you.

The others got up and walked to the door,when I went to do the same yang grabbed me by the hand.

Yang:Will you stay with me?

Y/n:If you want me too,I would love too.

I sat back down as the others moved out of the room. Yang laid down as I stayed in my same position,her hand still wrapped around mine.

Yang:Do you think I should have been disqualified?

Y/n:No,you didn't have any control over the situation.

Yang:But I was going to break his leg,i acted without thinking. Just like the hothead everyone says I am.

Y/n:It's fine,you thought you would be attacked.

Yang:I still feel terrible.

Y/n:It's not easy but hey at least we'll have two people from beacon that will accutualy be counted.

Yang:Yuno and?

Y/n:Pyrah. She should be fighting right now.

I showed her my scroll and she saw that is was pyrah vs penny.

Yang:You think she can beat penny?

Y/n:If she's as good as everyone says,and as good as I think she is, she should win.

Yang:You got a lot of confidence in her.

I put my scroll up and picked up my sword.

Y/n:I tied with her,she has to be tough.

Yang:Not many can say they tied with you,I know I can't.

Y/n:Hehe. I guess you can't.

We chatted with eachother and I eventually laid down next to her. When we got up it was because the dog in the room.

Y/n:When did you have a dog?

Yang:Before our first missions,my dad sent him here.

Y/n:Huh,that's neat.

Yang:Can you go see what he's barking at?

Y/n:Yeah,I'll get it.

I got up out of the bed and walked over to the window he was barking at. I looked outside and I saw dozens of flying Grimm,coming straight for the arena.

Y/n:Yang,get up! You need to see this.

She spoke as she got up and walked towards the window that I was standing at.

Yang:What's wro-oh,dear god.

Y/n:We need to warn the others.

Yang:I'll call them.

She took out her scroll and opened it but when it turned on there was only a red back ground with a queen chess peice.

Y/n:What's happening?

Yang:I don't know.

A voice then came from the scroll,a message from the person causing this.

???:These are the people you expect to save and protect you? These liers and killers? Don't be mad at young nikos,she didn't rip that young girl to shreads on purpose but that's not a girl is it? I ask you,people of remanent,why would atlas need a robotic soilder that is dressed up as an innocent little girl? I'm a worried citizen,just like all of you, but I know more then you,our kingdoms are on the brink of war. So,I'll ask you all this,do you trust your kingdom to protect and save you,to beat their enemy's? I guess we will find out in due time,good bye beacon academy.

Y/n:She called out beacon directly.

Yang:Which means she's the one causing this.

Y/n:We have to go,now!


We rushed out of the room and as we ran we ran past my dorm room,I looked inside and saw both Jane and beo weren't inside,neither was yuno.

Yang:They are probably fighting off the Grimm.


We ran outside and saw everyone either running or being attack as the fair grounds burned.

Y/n:I'll head to the arena,are you coming?

Yang:No,I'm going to the fair grounds,people are going to need help to evacuate.

Y/n:If I find the others I'll call you.

Yang:You do that.

I ran to the arena,fighting through Grimm as I ran,I eventually got there and I saw that Grimm had flooded into the arena and that Jane,with beo and yuno, were fighting to keep them at bay. I rushed in and stabbed a ursa through the back.


Jane:Big bro!

Y/n:Glad to see your all fighting.

Yuno:Well it's not much of a fight as it's us trying to make time for everyone to get out.

Jane:Professer port and oobleck wanted to fight but we convinced them that we could hold them back.

Y/n:Good,I take it they're getting everyone out?

Yuno:Yeah,there's a few that haven't left.

Y/n:So,let's keep fighting.

Ursa,beowolves,and nevermore,along with other types of grimm, began their onslaught on us. I swung and cut through multiple ursa then I threw one of my mini bombs at a flying nevermore,it hit the bird and it crashed into the arena walls. I turned around and swung my sword down into an alpha beowolf,cutting through it, I looked back to the others but as I did I was grabbed from behind by multiple ursa and alpha's. They pinned me to the floor but didn't attack me any farther,I looked up and saw that beo was on the floor and was getting ripped apart by a dozen other beowolves.


I struggled to get free but I was too exausted to get out,I looked over and saw yuno was surrounded by Grimm and couldn't move around very well. My head snapped over to Jane but I couldn't see her in the arena,I looked as far as I could up and saw a nevermore was taking her into the air and moving away from the arena.

Y/n:Yuno,help jane!

Yuno:I can't I've already used too much of my semblance!

I looked around,we had been defeated and I was going to get yuno and everyone I loved killed,I had lost hope.

(A/n:This is where the music at the top should begin to kick in.)

The voices from earlier began to speak again but this time it was only the male.

Voice2:Look at you,you've lost hope and now you'll get everyone killed. Salem is doing this,she's taking everyone away from you. She taking your home and your friends,she took your sister,she'll kill your friends and murder your lover,she's ripping your family away from you.What will you do to her? How will you make her pay? HOW WILL YOU SEEK YOUR VENGEANCE?


I could feel the armor wrap it's self around me without me telling it to. I threw the Grimm off of me and grabbed my sword from the ground. I began to rip and tear through the Grimm until no more came after me.

Yuno:Y/n? Are you okay.


He ran from the arena as I chased down and ripped apart multiple grimm,I shoved my sword into the ground and gathered all the Grimm in a single group. I ran through the group,ripping the heads and limbs from any Grimm unfortunate enough to be there. When I was finished I stood up on top of a pile of Grimm corpses as I roared into the sky.


The Executioner(male reader x rwby)Where stories live. Discover now