Volume4:Back to square one.

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I woke up in a bed,in a room that i was unfamilar with. I looked around it had posters of boy bands and among things that a girl would have in her room. My sword rested next to me,I looked down and saw that my entire body had been covered in bandages. I got up and dressed my self in my cloths and armor,I grabbed my sword as I left. As I walked down the hallway,to a staircase that lead downstairs, I saw the same picture that qrow had,of him and his team.

Y/n:This is qrow's house?

Tai:No,it's not.

I pointed my sword at the man that spoke as raised his hands in defence.

Tai:Hey,calm down I'm here to help. My name Is taiyang xiao long,I'm ruby and yang's dad. Just call me tai.

I rested my sword on my shoulder as I apologized.

Y/n:Sorry,I'm a bit...tense.

Tai:I can see that. You fought well,you kept alot of people alive.

Y/n:Did yang make it,is she alive? What about ruby?

Tai:They're both alive but yang she's...something happened.

Y/n:What,what happened?!

As I yelled for an answer I heard foot steps behind me,I turned around and saw yang but her right arm from the elbow down was gone.

Yang:This,this is what happened.


Yang:A man named Adam was attacking blake,I stepped in to save her and he cut my arm off.

Y/n:Is ruby okay?

Yang::Yeah,she's fine but what about Jane?

Y/n:A Grimm took her away,it picked her up and carried her away.

Yang:That has to be more disheartening then what happened to me.

Y/n:Do you know what happened to yuno?

Yang:I don't,when I woke up he wasn't any where to be found.

Ruby:I know where he went.

We looked over to ruby,who had just left her room.

Ruby:He said he was going to get Jane back,he felt like it was his fault that the Grimm that took her got away.

Y/n:He went alone?!

Ruby:He said he owed it to you,and to Jane.

Yang:As for the others,Weiss went back home and Blake ran away.

Y/n:I hope they are all okay.

Ruby:Come on,y/n,they'll be fine and we'll get Jane back.

Y/n:How long are was I out.

Tai:Two weeks,you were badly beaten.

Y/n:What happened,after I left the arena.

Ruby:I found you ripping and tearing through grimm,it was awesome. You were dragging an ursa through town because it had your sword in its chest. You passed out as you chased a group of Grimm away from a family,you were mumbling kill at the Grimm as you did so.

Y/n:Okay,did any one not make it,besides jane?

Ruby:Pyrah,she died fighting the person who caused the attack, and....are you sure you want to hear this?

Y/n:Who was it ruby?

Ruby:It's...Professor ozpin,he also died.

Y/n:Not uncle oz,what about dad?

Yang:No one really knows but people are saying he died too.

Y/n:No..no..he was right.

Yang:Who was right?


I looked over to tai and put one of my knees on the ground as I bowed my head and put my right hand over my heart.

Y/n:Thank you,for taking care of me and giving me a place to sleep.

I stood back up as he began his response.

Tai:Don't worry about it,yang is the one that gave you a place to sleep.

Y/n:I could guess it was her room.

I walked past him and went down the stairs onto the main floor of the house. I went to the door as yang stopped me by calling out.

Yang:Y/n? Where are you going?

Y/n:I need to get Jane back.


Y/n:SHE'S ALIVE YANG! And I can't just sit back and let her be alone. I need to go.

Yang:So,both you and ruby are going to leave me?

Y/n:If ruby is leaving I'll go with her. Yang,I promise you I'll keep ruby safe but I need to go and get Jane back,she's the only family I have left.

I went to open the door and yang yelled out at me.

Yang:Fine,leave and don't come back! I don't need you!

Y/n:But I need you,I need you more then you know.

Ruby came down the stairs and to the door,where I was.

Ruby:I'm off!

I opened the door and looked back to yang and tai.

Y/n:I'll keep her safe,I promise.

We left the house and I saw that jaune,ren,and Nora were waiting.

Jaune:Good to see your okay.

Y/n:I'll be fine.

Ren:Where's jane?

Ruby:She was taken by the Grimm.

Nora:You think she's okay?

Y/n:There's only one way to truly know,I have to find her.

Jaune:Then what are we waiting for!? Let's get going.

Y/n:Where are we headed?

Ruby:Heaven academy,that's where we want to continue our huntsman training.

Nora:And get back at the people who attacked beacon!

Y/n:Then we should be on our way.


We began to walk to heaven,a place where we might find some answers.

Ruby:And don't worry about yang,y/n, she didn't mean any of that stuff,she's still coming to terms with what happened to herself and to beacon. She still loves you,in fact she wouldn't leave your side for days and would give you some of her aura to help heal you faster!

Y/n:I don't think we've ever said that to each other.

Ruby:Say what?

Y/n:That we love each other.

The Executioner(male reader x rwby)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora