volume4:The beginning of a new journey.

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We had been traveling to heaven for a while,at the moment me and ruby were running from a gaint rock monster that was a grimm,we had been requested to take care of the monster by a local village.

Y/n:You think this was a bad idea?


Y/n:No reason,jump and I'll cover you!

Ruby:You got it!

She jumped,using her semblance to propel herself forward, the monster went for an attack on her but I blocked it with my sword. I was sent flying off the cliff and into a tree,I saw the others getting ready to fight.

Y/n:Look out below!

It crashed down into the middle of the woodland clearing as I recovered and also got into my own fighting pose. Ruby flew around the monster,shooting as she did so.

Ruby:Could use some help!

Y/n:On it!

I rushed in at it and sliced into its leg,I got my sword in but I couldn't cut cleanly through. Nora sent two grenades at the monster from behind,it wasn't very effective. I pulled my sword out and rushed back to the tree line,where the others where stationed.

Y/n:I could

Jaune:No,you can't control it anymore!

Ruby:He's right what would we do if you go crazy again?

Y/n:Sorry,dumb idea.

It attacked again and after I swung a few times ren ran onto it's arm. He jumped above the Grimm and did a spinning attack with his blades,he bounced off the Grimm and landed next to Jaune and myself.

Ren:My blades don't cut it.

Y/n:Mine will.

I began to run at the monster and as I did I ready my sword.


Nora:You got it!

I jumped into the air as Nora shot a rocket under me,sending me higher. I raised my sword and cut it's arm in half.


I landed behind the grimm as a ghost arm came from the body,the arm shoved it's self into a tree trunk and ripped it from the ground,giving it's self a new arm.

Y/n:That's not good.

It began to swing at Jaune with its trunk arm as he ran from it.

Jaune:It's arm is a tree,it's arm is a tree!

Ruby:Big mistake!

Ruby loaded her sniper with fire dust and shot at the,newly gained, tree arm. The arm caught fire but it didn't stop the monster by any means.

Jaune:Big mistake!

It was about to swing the Flaming arm down onto jaune,who had tripped while running, but ren threw his weapon,making it fall back onto the floor.

Jaune:How should we do this?

Y/n:The body is too thick for even me to get through.

Jaune:But it doesn't care for the body.

Nora:And it just keeps grabbing new limbs.

Jaune:But it keeps protecting it's face.

Ruby:That doesn't matter if we can't break it.

Jaune:If we get through all the limbs we can...I got it! We have to hit it harder!

Y/n:Remind me why you're the strategist.

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