volume4:No fairytales.

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We packed up the following morning and continued our walk to our nice village. We made it there,and into the inn, as the sun finished setting and rain began to pour.

Y/n:I'm really happy we didn't have to camp tonight.


Ruby walked up to the woman at the counter and handed her all the money we could spare for our rooms.

Ruby:Is this enough?

The woman took the money and counted it,after she finished she handed quite alot of it back to ruby.

Inn keep:We can only spare one room with three beds,sorry for the inconvenience.

Ruby:It's no worry.

I looked to my left,out a window, as ruby and the inn keep kept talking. As I looked I thought I could see qrow but was pulled away into our room by the others. We entered and it was a pretty nice room,for a small town in.

Y/n:This is,most likey, the third best room I've ever slept in.


Y/n:First is beacon,then my home, now here. I travelled alot but this is something else,way nicer then most places I've been to.

Jaune:I guess we can see why this place is as popular as it is.

Ren:Now that we have decided that we like the room,who's getting the beds?

Y/n:Two of us have to sleep on the floor,or in a chair.

Ruby:Right. Well...um,I don't know.

Y/n:I won't take a bed.

Ren:I'm fine without one.

Jaune:Then it's settled! Thanks you two,sleeping on the ground has been killing me.

Y/n:No problem.

I walked over to a corner of the room and sat down,I put my sword to where the hilt rested on my shoulder as the blade went in the empty space between my legs. I rested my head on the flat side of my sword and drifted off to sleep.


I was chained but not to the arena,not this time, this time I was chained to a wall in a castle. Salem walked to me and put her hand out to me.

Salem:Any day now,any day. My executioner will come to his queen.

Y/n:You're real,right?

Salem:We are bonded by your armor,so yes I am real.

Y/n:Then i can say this and "know" your going to hear this. You will die,I promise that. You die by my,and only mine, hand,I will take everything from you.

Salem:Just like how cinder took everything from you.

Y/n:I'm going to enjoy ripping your guts out,and when your ripped apart like a peice of rancid meat,I'll feed you to your own pets. But before I kill you, in the worst way I can think of,why are you so infatuated with me?

Salem:Your father killed my second king,a majestic white hawk, and then he denied to be my king. When I heard he had a son,I thought I could mold you into the perfect man for me but I got to you a bit late.

Y/n:Do you tell everyone your plans so carelessly?

Salem:Only the ones I care about.

Y/n:I care about you too.


Y/n:Yeah,I care about seeing your intestines strewn across your castle walls like decorations for a festival!

Salem:How brutish,but you beat your father in combat, your the only man that is fit to be my lover.

Y/n:I rather castrate myself with a rusty nail.

Salem:You'll sing a diffrent tune when you are my king,my knight in armor as black as death.

Y/n:HAHAHAHAHA! That's funny,I'll never,ever, be your knight.

She slapped me across the face,it felt as real as this dream felt.

Y/n:Let this be a warning,you send anyone after me,or the others, and I'll ship them back to you in a six diffrent packages. Each filled with diffrent body parts.

Salem:So graphic,I love it.

She put her hand on my cheak as I tried to pull away but couldn't get much distance.

Salem:Until next time,dark prince. I'll be waiting for those packages.


I woke up the next day with a gasp and a cold sweat. I stood up as the others woke themselves up. I got ready and we prepared to leave,as we were leaving the people at the inn gave us food to eat on our way. We thanked them and ate as we left the village. Jaune was to be our navigator this time around.

Ruby:What's on our path today?


Nora:With a side of?


Ruby:Heaven is a lot farther then I thought it would be.

Ren:How long did you think this was going to take?


Jaune:2 weeks?! That's it?!

Ruby:Fine,three! I've never had to travel so far from home before and it doesn't help I grew up in a small town!

Y/n:You've never really traveled anywhere my foot,have you?

Ruby:No,I haven't.

Y/n:Well to tell you the truth ruby,we still got quite a bit to go.

Ruby:Whatever. Hey,guys, what's that?

Y/n:That would be a town. With half finished buildings?

Jaune:But there's no towns on the map,for where we are.

Y/n:That doesn't matter,we should see if there are people that need help!

We rushed into the town and saw that there was no one and that it looked live no one had lived here for a long time.

Ruby:What is this place?

Y/n:Whatever it is,no ones been here in a long,long,time.

Nora walked over to a peice of stone,that was in the ground, and moved away the weeds that had grown over it.

Nora:Oniyuri? I've never heard of it.

Y/n:Maybe once or twice.

Jaune:I know I haven't.

Ruby:Me either.

Ren:I have,think of it as animas mountain glen,if it was never finished. Years ago noble men tried to make this city,to be independent of the kingdom of mistral. Many thought it to be the future,even my own parents.

Ruby:What happened?

Ren:What always happens.


Ren:Not just anyone.

He was clearly getting frustrated with his old memories.


Y/n:That doesn't matter know.

Jaune:Yeah,let's just get through here. This place gives me the creeps.

Ruby:Why does this stuff always have to happen?

I began to walk with jaune,as did the others.

Y/n:Because life isn't a fairytale.

The Executioner(male reader x rwby)Where stories live. Discover now