volume2:Hatching the plan.

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After classes,and Cardin getting his ass handed to him, me,jane,rwby,and jnpr were all in the library. Me and Jane ,beo too,were watching the girls play a board game while the others were "reading".

Ruby:Prepare for battle,yang xiao  long!

Yang:Bring it,little sister!

Ruby:I deploy the altlesion air fleet! I get to fly over your walls and attack your kingdom directly.

Yang,at first seemed worried but,started to laugh,maniacly, at her sister as she flipped over on of her cards.

Yang:Pretty sneaky but you activated my trap card!

I leaned over to weiss,who was also playing, and began to talk with her.

Y/n:Do you have any idea what any of this means?

Weiss:Well,obviously it means...that.....okay I don't know what it means.


Yang:The gaint nevermore!If I roll a seven or higher I take out your entire fleet.

Ruby:True,true but if you roll a six or lower the nevermore turns on you and wipes your forces out!

Yang:That's a risk I'm willing to take!

Y/n:I'm going for a walk,have fun.

I stood up,grab my sword, and began to walk out of the library,with beo. As I walked out I ran into the monkey boy from the docks.


Sun:What's up y/n,right?

Y/n:Yep. And your name is sun?

Sun:It sure is!

Y/n:How have you been?

Sun:Cool,cool. This is my friend Neptune!

He said as he grabbed the blue haired boy standing next to him. Neptune seems less intrested in me and more intrested in beo.

Neptune:Is that a beowolf?

Y/n:Yeah,his name is beo,he's my pet.

Neptune:Is that even allowed?

Y/n:Not sure. I'll see you guys around,if your looking for team rwby they're playing a game over there.

I pointed them in the direction of the others. I continued my walk out of the library and out onto the main area. While walking I ran into father.



We stood there looking at eachother in a very awkward moment.

Y/n:So,how's being a teacher?

Guts:Well, it's easier then I thought it would be. I basically just beat the shit out of kids,while telling them how to fight better.

Y/n:Sounds fun. Hey,would you mind sparring with me?

Guts:Sounds like a good time.

I took my sword off my back as he did the same. As we were about to rush eachother we were stopped by goodwitch,who put a wall between us.

Goodwitch:You two can fight during classes,outside combat is prohibited!

Guts:Whatever you say,witchbitch.

Good:That's not my name and you know it!

Guts:You're right I do know it,witchbitch.

Goodwitch:You are insufferable!

She yelled at father and then marched off,clearly pissed off.

Y/n:Who knew you were such a jerk?

Guts:Alot of people,especially when I was younger.

We holstered our weapons as beo walked over to us,a gaint stick in his mouth.

Y/n:You wanna play?

He spun in circles,show casing his excitement.

Y/n:Alright,we can play.

I took the branch from his mouth and flung it far away from where we were.He returned soon after I threw the branch,his tale wagging as he dropped it at my feet. We continued to play until we saw Blake come out of the library.

Y/n:This is going to be good,go get her boy.

Beo rushed over to Blake and tackled her to the ground,he then proceeded to lick her.

Blake:BEO! Get off!

I whistled for him and he came back to me,his tale still wagging.

Y/n:Sorry, I guess he thought he could cheer you up.

Blake:And why would I need cheered up?

Y/n:Grimm can sence negative emotions,Blake, he can tell your distressed about something.

Blake:I'm fine. Just thinking about things.

She walked off as me and beo looked at her.

Y/n:Just don't think too hard,you might end up in the wrong mental state.

*Timeskip brought to you by chibi Blake hiding from beo in a tree*

I was laying in my bed,staring at the tv, when I heard Weiss yelling about something. I got up and grabbed my sword. I rushed over to their room as they continued to argue. I knocked on the door and it opened to see them all standing next to the door.

Ruby:All in favor of becoming the youngest huntresses in the kingdom to take down a corrupt organisation,say aye.

Y/n:huntresses and huntsman.

The all seemed to notice my presence in the room as ruby jumped a bit,from the surprise vist.

Yang:How did you get in?

Y/n:I knocked and the door opened. So what was this I heard about taking down a corrupt organisation?

Yang:We're planning to stop torchwick and the white fang.


Yang:What,if anyone can help us it's the exectioner.

Y/n:So,How are we going about this whole,taking down a crime ring, thing?

Ruby:Well...that is a good question.

Y/n:We need a plan.


Weiss:That would be smart.

Blake:We're all in this together.

Ruby:Yeah,oh no I left my bored game in the library!

Y/n:And we expect you to be put fearless leader?

Ruby:I'll be right back!

She then rushed out of the room,to go get her game. When she got back we began to hatch a plan.

Y/n:Ok,so what's our strategy?

Weiss:Well I am a schnee,I could go to the cct to check the records for any stolen dust.

Blake:The white fang as regular faction meeting to grab new recruits,I could blend in and get some information for us.

Yang:I got a friend in the shady side of vale,I'm sure he's willing to help us out.

Y/n:We should split into groups. Since Blake is the only one here that is a faunus,so she is the only one that can go to the meeting. I'll go with yang to the shady side of vale,I can be very "persuasive"when I want to be. That leaves ruby and weiss to go to the cct.

Ruby:Its a plan! Let's all rest up and do our best tomorrow!

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