Ranking Trials

317 23 7

Aithne Blaize Falcon

"It's bad enough that we're not on school grounds when we're supposed to, now you want to add more suspicion by hovering over us everywhere we go?" I scolded Kaeden when he walked with us, again, as we were heading to the cafeteria.

"It's not like I don't do this before." 

"Not this much, kuya." Aria pointed out.

I understand his concern, but he shouldn't be this obvious. We're trying to be as discreet as we can be just until the trials are over and here he is. It's like he just pops up in every turn we take.

"Today will be an exception, it's the ranking trials."

"Then what about the days before?" I stopped on my tracks and faced him

"Once you rank up, that'll be long forgotten." Why does he have to be so hard-headed?

"And they'll just think th--"

"Kaeden?" I was cut off by a voice from behind us. We looked back and saw that it was Jamie.

"Can I talk to you? I-if I'm not interrupting of course." She uneasily shifted gazes from the three of us.

"Either way, you can talk to him." I nudged Kaeden towards Jamie. At least he'll be off our backs for the time being.

"See you later?" I just nodded in response.

"Ever since they announced that Dad was going to be at the event, I've noticed the students training harder." Aria started as we sat down.

"They're trying to impress him." I said as I typed in our order. "They shouldn't really be pushing their selves too hard when they're just doing it to please others."

If you're aiming for success to receive validation from other people, then I think it's irrelevant. You should aim for success because you want to succeed, not because you want to  prove yourself to other people. Do things in your life for yourself because you're the only one who has the right to control how you live it.

Mom always told us that we have the freedom to choose what we want in our lives as long as we know it's right. 

"You think everything will go as planned?" My spoon stopped mid-air when I heard her question. So it wasn't just me?

"Are you worried about something?" I've had a weird feeling since this morning and I never dismissed it because I know it's not from being nervous. Why the hell would I be nervous for this event when we planned things behind it.

Something's off but I didn't want to add more trouble to everyone. It's enough that Kairus is already coming close to figuring out what we've been hiding.

"I don't know, maybe I'm just nervous for later."

"Why would you be?" I asked. Like I said, what's there to be nervous about? It's just an event to showcase powers. It's not even an s-class operative level.

"Why would she not?" Someone countered. Great. What is he doing here?

"I don't think anything I talk about with my sister are any of your concerns." He narrowed his eyes at me and I just stared at him, not backing down.

I still haven't forgot about how he branded me as a traitor. To my own realm. The audacity of this bastard to accuse me.

"Look, I apologize for my rash accusations. I was impulsive." I raised my brow at him.


He avoided my eyes, "I will not repeat myself." 

What is he trying to do? One time he accuses me of being a traitor and now he comes here and says sorry.

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