Chapter 3

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Raven's P.O.V

I snuggle in closer to my blanket trying my best to get more warmth from it.

The realisation of how cold it is makes me shiver; it's freezing here in London.

I can just imagine the frosted glass of my windows behind the closed curtains. Shiver. I hate the cold.

Last night, my mum had informed me that we would be expecting some guests today. Those guests apparently being her childhood best friend's family.


Why was I even thinking about them? I should be paying attention on trying to secure a few more extra minutes of sleep before I would be forced to get up.

Just as I was about to drift away to dreamland, my door bursts open and I could already tell who it was.

I open one eye just to make sure the person was who I thought it was while I keep the other one shut. And my guess is right, of course it is, I'm never wrong.

It was my amazingly loving mother, who I also very much love dearly.

Everyone, I want you all to meet Rowana Mells.

"You're still asleep," she shrieks, making me clench my eyes tightly because of her loudness.

I look up to see her holding her face with both of her hands and she had a shocked expression on her face. Dramatic much?

I sigh and open both of my eyes knowing there was no way I would get any more sleep because my mum was in here now, "thank you for stating the obvious mum."

"Shut up, you need to get up right now," she demands after rolling her eyes at me. My eyebrows scrunch up as I look at her confused.

"But, why do I have to wake up now? Your guests are coming over in the evening, not now," I ask her.

"I know when they're coming over, but the whole house is such a mess and we need to start cleaning up."

"Mum, we have loads of time to clean the house up. They're coming over at 7 pm, and it's," I look up at my clock that was hanging on my wall, "9 am."

My mum glares at me before speaking again, "I know how to read the time Raven, please get up and get ready into something nice and fashionable."

"Now?!" this time it was me who shrieked and my mum who clenched her eyes tightly before glaring at me.

"Yes, you need to get dressed now, I need you to make a good impression on them," she says with a smile on her face.

I furrow my eyebrows again feeling even more confused, "me? Why would I have to make a good impression on your friends? I don't even know who they are."

Her eyes flicker around nervously, looking like she was trying to form her words.

This was a very strange thing, she was always so straight forward with me, so why the hesitation now?

"Mum, why are you behaving like this? I can tell you're hiding something from me," I narrow my eyes at her.

"What? I'm not hiding anything from you, I never had and never will Raven," she says, way too quickly making me 100% sure she was lying to me.

"Mum, I know you're lying to me. Your cheeks are red and that only happens when you lie," I tell her using my matter-of-factly voice which makes my mum let out a shocked gasp.

"Raven Mells, how dare you? My cheeks do not turn red when I lie," she says giving me a pointed look, completely mortified, with even redder cheeks.

I couldn't help myself but burst out laughing in hysterics, "yes they do mum, I never realised until dad pointed it out the other day."

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