Chapter 25

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Raven's P.O.V

Tyler was coming over today and I just couldn't contain my excitement anymore.

We'll get to spend majority of the day together because the cake was very complicated.

I ended up telling Kourt about Tyler and she practically flew out of the sofa, dancing.

Kourt and Tom have gone out for a play date because she didn't want to disturb Tyler and me. It made me blush but I was grateful towards her.

I chose a cute outfit to wear, a black jumper dress that's about mid-thigh length and some tights to keep warm.

When I hear the doorbell ring, I quickly fix my hair and run over to the door. Tyler was standing there looking extremely handsome. He was even holding a box of chocolates.

I bite my lip but then decide to give him a hug which he returns with one of his arms and leans his chin onto my shoulder.

The same tingles I felt yesterday evening came back as I came in contact with him.

I inhale quickly to calm myself, but Tyler's scent fills my head making me woozy.

I clear my throat after pulling away, "come in," I move away from the door, giving him space to walk through.

"Here you go, I bought chocolates," he says, handing me the box.

I smile at him and take the box, "Thank you. You didn't have to get me anything though."

"They aren't for you, they're for Tom," he jokingly says.

I glare at him and set the chocolates down onto the table, "even if they were mine, they would all end up in Tom's stomach. He loves chocolates so much."

"Where are they?" He asks, laughing and looking around.

"They went out for a play date," I can't help but stumble over the word date.

What is wrong with me?

Tyler's eyes flicker to me then away, his cheeks turning pink, "awe, that's cute."

Rubbing both of his rough man looking hands together, he adds, "let's get started on the cake."

I nod and lead him into the kitchen. I pull up my hair into a bun and notice Tyler's eyes follow my every move.

I smile a little as he walked over to the sink and washes his hands.

"Because you're not good at baking, maybe you can read out the ingredients and instruction? Then help me decorate the cake?" I suggest to him.

He nods his head, excited and with a huge grin on his face, "I used to help my dad bake things all the time," he says, "that's when we realised, I'm not the best at it, but it's still fun!"


I just can't get over his cuteness.

And his cute hair.

And his cute glasses.

And his cute smile.

And his cute laugh.

He's just amazing.

My thoughts are broken when Tyler pats me on the shoulder with a light blush on his face, "thank you, maybe you can complement me later but let's make the cake."

"Oh, u-um, yeah," I stutter, trying to cover my blush, as I pull my apron on.

It has small ravens on it, I hand another one to Tyler so we could be matching.

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