Chapter 37

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Raven's P.O.V

"Elle," a lady with a French accent screams, running up the hill then pulling Elle into a very tight hug.

"Hi mummy," Ella greets, to who I'm guessing was her mother.

"Où avez-vous été Elle? S'll vous plaît, ne partez pas sans me le dire à nouveau," she asks worriedly to her daughter.

(Where have you been to Elle? Please don't leave without telling me again.)

"Okay mummy, I promise to not go anywhere without telling you," Elle smiles sadly and looks down at her feet.

Her mother then turns to me with a small smile on her face, "merci d'avoir pris soin de ma fille."

(Thank you for taking care of my daughter.)

"Mummy," Elle calls, tugging on her mother's dress, "they were so nice to me and became my friends for the day. I want to hang out with them more often, can I please?"

"I have a friend that has a child who is about your age, I think he would love to be your friend, maybe you could come over and play with him sometime?" I ask her, making her nod eagerly.

"Cela me convient, puis-je avoir votre numéro pour pouvoir vous contacter?" her mother asks in French, I guess she's not that fluent in English.

(I'm fine with that, can I have your number so I can contact you?)

"Oui, bien sûr," I nod, switching phones with her and typing our numbers into each other's phones.


I am home now and have started to pack my bags, we are going to London in a few days and I was still a bit nervous.

Kourtney walks into the room with her phone in her hand, "Raven, I think we should go shopping before our flight."

"Why? We have clothes, don't we?" I ask her confused.

She walks up to my suitcase that was sitting on my bed and starts inspecting my clothes, "looking at these, I can't even tell if they're clothes or rags, we definitely need to go shopping."

"My clothes aren't that bad Kourtney," I defend myself, frowning down at my clothes that were no longer packed neatly in my suitcase.

"Ever since we've left London, your fashion has gone down the drain. Hopefully, when we go back, you can pick up some nice clothes."

I guess that was true, back in London I used to wear really nice clothes and I used to really care. But ever since I came here, I just started giving up on how I look.

I obviously do care now because I didn't want to look bad in front of Tyler, I needed to look nice for him.

"We're going shopping tomorrow, I think you need to, way more than I do," she says.

"But, what about Tom? Who is going to look after him?" I ask her, making her look at the brown carpet in thought.

Her eyes suddenly brighten up, shit, I really thought I had said something that would make us not have to go shopping.

Unfortunately, my best friend was too smart and could think of a plan in seconds.

"He can stay over at Elle's house, he really wants to meet her too, I just need to ask her mum if that's okay with her."

I sigh exaggerating and nodding, "fine, but if we're going shopping then I'm going to invite Anna and Rebecca."

"That's fine by me, anything that will make you come," she says, walking out of the room.

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