Chapter 26

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Raven's P.O.V

The cakes were finally done, they took ages to bake. Well, the vanilla one did. Maybe because it was the largest one and had the most batter.

The cake took a whole hour and twenty minutes to cook while the chocolate and confetti took only 45 minutes.

We had already done most of the decorating. For each layer, we covered it with white icing and layered them on top of each other in order.

We poured melted chocolate on top of the top layer and watched as it drips down onto the other two layers, giving it a drip look.

It looked like a dripping fountain, it already looked so delicious.

"What else are we going to use to decorate the cake?" Tyler asks, licking the chocolate off of his fingers.

"Berries, apparently the bride and groom love fruits."

As I say that, Tyler scrunches his eyebrows and looks at the floor in thought.

I wonder what he was thinking about.

"We need to cut the strawberries in half but leave the stem on, the other berries don't need cutting," I tell him, breaking him out of his thoughts.

He opens the drawer and takes two knives out as I walk up to the fridge and take out the two boxes of strawberries.

I place all the strawberries in a big bowl before placing the bowl under the tap, I wash the berries thoroughly and place them back onto the counter.

Tyler reaches over and grabs a strawberry, taking a bite out of it and then throwing the stem away.

Whoa, his mouth is so big, mine was probably a quarter size of his.

"That was a really good strawberry," he moans.

Oh fuck.

Why did he have to moan?

I take my hair out of its ponytail and cover my cheeks with my hair, trying to hide my blush as best as I can.

When I know my blush has faded. I turn back to Tyler and catch him staring at me.

Please blush, don't come back, I'm begging you.

It came back.

And it came back full force.

I could feel the darkness of my cheeks and let me tell you, the blush was really hard.

"You look really good with your hair out," he says, running his hand through my hair, "you should keep it out more often," he says, looking into my eyes.

My blush deepens, "thank you, you're so sweet."

He smiles at me and scratches the back of his neck.

"I try to be," he whispers with a shrug.


"We should finish the cake quickly, I really want to go," he says, cutting one of the strawberries in half before grabbing another one.

After we cut all strawberries, which took like three minutes, we washed the other berries. Them being: blackberries, blueberries and raspberries.

We didn't cut them because they were tiny just the way they were.

We decorate each layer with a generous number of berries, the top layer having the most because it was the surface.

Both of us take a step back and high five each other.

"This looks so good, I really want a piece," Tyler says, drooling over the cake.

"Same," I say longing, "but we can't," I add while wiping the table with a wet sponge.

"That's so unfair," he stomps his foot on the floor.

"Maybe I can make you the same cake for your wedding?" I ask him, "be sure to remember me."

His eyes light up and widen with happiness, "yes, please make it for me on my wedding," he yells, running up to me and hugging me.

When he hugged me, he didn't realise he ended up picking me off of my feet and now I was basically floating in the air.

I didn't mind though; it was... nice. It gave me an opportunity to hide my blush too.

He slowly sets me down with a small blush on his cheeks too, I guess he realised what he did.

We both blush so much.

"I'm going to make this cake for my wedding too. If I ever get married that is," I tell him, looking down at the floor sadly.

"You're going to make your own wedding cake?" he asks, with a raised brow.

"Yeah, I really want to," I say. I had always wanted to but things hadn't gone my way.

Not at all.

"How about, you make my wedding cake and I make yours?" he asks, tapping his chin.

I laugh at him, "you can't even crack an egg without missing the bowl, talk about making a whole cake by yourself," I flip my hair over my shoulder.

He glares at me and then his face brightens up, he found another idea.

"If we both want the same cake for both our weddings, why don't we just marry each other?" he asks me with a happy voice.

My head snaps to him in shock, I blush and look down at the floor, avoiding his eyes.

Did he really just say that?

Did he even mean it? Or did it just slip out?

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry Raven. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable, I can't believe I actually said that," he apologises frantically.

"Don't worry about it, and who knows? Maybe we will get married one day," I smile at him shyly.

He smiles back and we clean up the rest of the messy kitchen.

"Should I put the cake in the fridge so the chocolate can harden?" he asks me.

"Yes please, that would be a good idea," I say, "I've already taken the shelves out so it'll fit."

He picks up the cake while I open the fridge up for him, he places the cake inside and I close it.

"I'm going to go home and change into something nicer because I'm so messy," he says, looking down at his clothes.

My face drops, I don't want him to go home and leave me here all by myself.

Does that mean the day is over? I should've told him to bring an extra outfit.

I want him to stay here, with me.

I look up at him and smile, "yeah, I should probably shower, because someone cracked an egg on me."

He chuckles and we both walk over to the door. Giving me one last hug, he walks out of the door.

I'm all alone now and I already miss him.

My mood immediately becomes sad, I really hope Kourt would come home soon.


I ended up washing my hair with my coconut shampoo and it felt so good to have the slimy eggy feeling off of my scalp.

But OMG, what I realised was that the hair, on the top of my head, was really soft.

Egg masks really work...

I end up getting into my pyjamas and now I was walking over to my bed, it was 6:30 pm now and it was already getting dark outside.

Kourtney and Tom had returned home and they were in the living room now.

As I'm about to sit down on my bed, I get a message from...


Tyler: Get ready, we're going out for dinner.

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