Chapter 9

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Raven's P.O.V

I don't know how long we stand there for, just gazing into each other's eyes, that's when I realise where his hand actually is.

It was completely wrapped around my waist.

My cheeks flare red and I break the eye contact and look down at the floor, but I still just stand there, not doing anything.

My heart flutters in my chest.

When I finally find my voice, I turn to him, "can you help me please?" I try really hard not to pout. I don't want him thinking I was pouting at him.

His eyes squint with confusion, "what?" He mumbles.

Then he realises where his hand is and slowly takes his hand out and steps away from me.

I start shivering, the heat I felt from his body was gone now. And I didn't like it one bit. My arms wrap around myself.

Ryde looks at me quietly.

After he helps detach my dress from the car door, we take the luggage inside.

I can't believe no one else came to help us carry everything in.

How annoying!

There's like six people's luggage here. I looked down at the suitcases, it seems like they're planning on staying for a year.

I can see my mum talking to James and Trisha, then she points to one of the bedrooms. I'm guessing she's telling them where their rooms are.

Come on Raven, I tell myself.

Don't be rude to guests, Dadima would not be happy.

Ryder and I walk over to our mums and wait next to the girls while James and Trisha take their bags.

I continue to wait patiently as mum then turns to the girls. I'm trying really hard not to look at Ryder. I'm a little scared of what I'll see.

I think the girls will share with me, after all, we only have two guest rooms. One of them has been taken by Ryder's parents so obviously, the second one is for him.

Four girls in one room... at least I've got an en-suite that should make things-

"Isabella, Everlyn and Avery, your room is there," she points to the second guest room. I frown as my mum continues, "next to your parents' room,"

I press my lips together, holding back my laugh, that means Ryder is going to be sleeping in the bathroom.


It's sad, the bathroom doesn't even have a bed and it's not comfortable at all, but it's what he deserves for kissing me without my permission... even though I enjoy it a lot.

I lift my hand up to flip my hair over my shoulder with a little smirk, I can hear Ryder snort behind me.

"And Ryder, you're going to be sharing a room with Raven," Mum says, breaking me out of my happy dance.

"WHAT?!" I shout, my arm frozen mid-way between epic hair flip, "absolutely not!"

What the fuck?

There is no way in hell he's going to be sharing a room with me.

"Mum, he's not sharing a room with me, I don't care what you say," I huff while grinding my teeth.

She's been making me dance to her tune all day and I. Have. Had. Enough.

Mum blinks at me innocently, "there isn't any other room for him to sleep in, I'm sorry honey."

I know damn well she's doing this on purpose.

Journey of Love ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz