Chapter 41

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Raven's P.O.V


I would follow Tyler anywhere, even if it's death, life without Tyler isn't even life. He was my lifeline, there was no way I could be separated from him.

I'm at the Moretti house, actually, more like mansion because it was Anna's birthday tomorrow.

Tyler and I have decided to make her a cake for her birthday.

Mum and Dad, (Fleur and Alessandro), have gone out on their date night. I think it's so adorable that they still do date nights.

Lucas and Becca are on holiday but they'll be back by tomorrow.

And Anna's boyfriend has taken her out so she wouldn't see the cake we would make her.


Tyler and I had already started to make the cake, we had already prepared the batter.

We were going to be making a chocolate and strawberry layer cake.

"Tyler, I still can't believe you know how to make batter, I'm so shocked and impressed," I tell him, as he mixes the batter.

"I know, I have been paying a lot of attention when you bake, mainly at your beautiful face but I had picked up on the basics," he says with a cute smile.

I blush and grab the cake tins, greasing them so the cake doesn't stick to the tins. We pour the batters in the tins and place them in the oven.

Throughout the time the cake bakes, Tyler and I had made some chocolate frosting to go between each layer.

"Let me taste the icing," Tyler says, grabbing the spoon and licking the icing off of it just before I could protest.

I shake my head, giggling at his cuteness, "does it taste good?"

He nods his head in a yes motion before taking another scoop of icing and placing it near my lips, "no, I don't want any."

He frowns and then places the spoon back into the bowl, "okay, then here," he says, before sticking his hand in the icing and wiping it across my face.

I look at him in shock and laugh as if I had gone crazy, his eyes widen and he takes a couple of steps back.

"Oh shit," he mutters, turning around and running out of the kitchen.

"Get your booty back here right now," I scream, chasing after him with the bowl of icing still in my hands.

Then an idea crosses my mind, I stop running and positions myself onto the floor making it seem like I had fallen.

Grabbing the vase, I smash it onto the floor next to me and fake a scream.

Tyler immediately stops running and turns around to look at me. Worry blazes in his eye, he runs up to me and drops to both of his knees. My heart nearly breaks when I see the look in his eyes.

He is terrified.

"What happened Raven? Are you okay? I'm so sorry this is all my fault," he apologises, looking at my body. His hand starts to shake.

I grab the icing and push his face into the bowl. The bowl was pretty big to fit his face if you were wondering.

He takes the bowl off of his face and tosses it to the floor. "Seriously?" he groans, "I only covered a bit of your cheek, you covered my whole entire face."

I burst out laughing and then lean in closer to his face, I swipe my tongue across his icing covered lips and moan.

"Delicious," I mutter against them feeling his shiver against me. Then again, he should be shivering, my tongue does do wonders.

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