Chapter 14

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Raven's P.O.V

It's been nearly a week since Ryder proposed to me.

My family, the Parkers and I are sitting in my living room debating on what date to set the wedding for.

"I want our wedding to happen as soon as possible, I can't wait anymore," Ryder says, wrapping an arm around me.

James smirks at Ryder and then nods, "alright, how about next Sunday then?" he asks.

Ryder and I both look at each other and then look back at our parents, we nod quickly making everyone laugh at us.

"We can go out tomorrow, to buy your wedding dress and jewellery," mum says, smiling widely.

"Okay," I smile up at her.

Ryder gets up from the sofa and pulls me up with him, "excuse us," he says, standing up and taking me to our room.

He sits down on the bed and I take a seat next to him.

"Why did you bring me here?" I ask him.

"Just wanted to spend some more time with you before the wedding."

I arch a brow at him, "okay, what do you want to do?"

"I'm in the mood to have a laugh, so tell me your most embarrassing moment."

I think about my story and start laughing, it was actually way funnier than it was embarrassing.

"I was in year three and it was sports day," I begin, rolling my eyes.

Ryder chuckles, "I'm guessing you don't like sports by the face you made?"

"Yeah, I hate sports, just because I can't do anything," I pout sadly.

"I love sports so much, sports day was my favourite thing in the whole school year. I've always been good at sports," he says laughing, shaking his head.

I reach over and grab his right bicep, feeling his muscles, "I can tell."

He chuckles again, sitting up and leaning against the headboard. Grabbing my waist, he picks me up and sits me between his legs.

Remembering what happened last night when we were in a position like this, I get up and run over to the door, locking it.

Then I run back over to him and place myself between his legs again, "and, I was doing one of the races called 'milk carton race,' what you had to do is grab an empty milk carton which has holes at the bottom of it.

You fill the carton up with water and hold it above your head, while you do that, you need to run across the playground and dump the water into a bucket."

"I don't know why but I think I already know what's going to happen," he says, on the verge of laughing.

"It was my turn, so I grabbed the carton and filled it up with water and held it above my head.

And, I flipping held it the wrong way making all the freezing cold water fall on my head."

Ryder bursts out laughing and ends up headbutting me on my nose.

What the fuck was everyone's problem with my nose?

Grabbing onto my nose in pain, I try glaring at him but end up laughing myself when I remember the face I had made when the water fell on me.

"I knew you would do something like that, it's just you. Is there more to the story?" he asks, still laughing.

"Not really, but when I did pour the water on my head, everyone started laughing at me. And from across the playground, I could see a supply teacher looking at me as if I was the biggest fool in the entire world."

Ryder continues laughing for so long and when he finally stops, he just stares at me.

"What about you? Do you have any embarrassing stories?" I ask him.

"It doesn't seem that embarrassing and I'm sure a lot of people have done this before, but I was dying of shame at the time."

Ryder being embarrassed is like the best thing ever.

"It happened about three years ago. I was sitting on the bus, on the four-seater ones, you know the ones that have two seats next to each other and then two in front?"

I nod at him.

"Then this really beautiful girl got onto the bus and sat down next to me."

I expected a pang of jealousy to hit me, but nothing.

That made me feel a bit confused. After all, he was my fiancé and I should have gotten at least a little bit jealous that he called another girl gorgeous.

Ryder snaps his fingers in my face, "you're not listening, don't you want to hear the story?"

"No, no. I do want to listen, I'm sorry, continue."

"Okay, there was a man sitting opposite the girl but there wasn't anyone sitting in front of me.

Then I heard the girl ask me a question. The question was, 'when are you coming over?' and I was really confused because I didn't even know who this hot chick was.

At first, I thought she was talking to the guy who was sitting opposite her but when I looked over at him, he was busy on his phone. So, I looked over at the girl and replied to her with, "whenever you want babes, but maybe we should talk first."

I shake my head at him, not sure where this was going, "you were nasty back then too."

He looks at me biting his lips and shrugging.


"She kept asking random questions and whenever I would reply to them, the guy would look up at me as if I was insane."

I giggle to myself, "now I know where your story is going."

"Then she stopped talking to me and a couple of minutes later, she got up from her seat and took her earphones out.

I had never been so embarrassed in my whole existence."

I didn't laugh that much because I was suspecting it but it was still really funny.

"My jaw was left hanging after she got off of the bus, I couldn't believe I was talking to myself the whole entire time."

We talk and laugh for a couple of minutes before we both end up falling asleep.

Tomorrow was the day I was going to buy my wedding dress; I was so happy it felt like I was flying over the moon.

Journey of Love ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora