Chapter 30

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Raven's P.O.V

I set the cake down onto the table before looking back over at him.

"Raven? What are you doing here?" he screams, pulling me into his arms.

I hug him back with a huge smile on her face, "I guess it was your family who ordered the cake then."

He looks at me happily, "I guess you can accompany me then."

"Absolutely not!" I frown at him, "Tyler, I can't come to the wedding."

"You're coming to my brothers' reception party, I don't care how busy you are," he says, frowning at me.

"Tyler, you know I can't come. No one here knows me and I don't even have an invitation," I say, "and look at what I'm wearing."

"My whole entire family knows about you. They just haven't met you yet. And if they find out you came here and didn't attend the reception; they would be very angry at me."


My eyebrows scrunch up in a frown, "how does your family know who I am?" I ask him.

He scratches the back of his head, looking at the floor while blushing deeply, "I kind of told them all about you."

"You told them about me? But why?" I ask him, also blushing.

"Because you're really special to me and they're all dying to meet you. So please, don't go and come to the party," he basically begs me.

My heart feels like it's about to shatter, I've never felt so loved before.

"You're way more special than I will ever be," I mumble.

He blushes and shakes his head, "please stay, for me?"

There is no way I could say no now.

I sigh, "fine, but only if one of your family members say I can."

"I'll ask my sister," he says, "ANNAAAAAAAAA."

A very beautiful, brown-haired girl walks down the long staircase.

She is by far the most gorgeous girl I've ever met in my life, she walks up to us with such elegance, as if she was walking on a runaway.

Anna, I'm guessing, was wearing a long gorgeous, strapless dress.

"Hello," she says, smiling at me.

"Hi," I reply through my nerves.

Anna turns to Tyler and raises one of her perfectly shaped eyebrows, "why did you call me down here?" she asks him.

"I wanted to ask you if she could come to the party?" he asks her.

Anna looks at me, then looks at Tyler again, "who is she?"

"Anna, this is Raven," Tyler introduces me to her.

Her eyes widen in shock and a grin breaks out onto her face, she pulls me into a hug and starts jumping up and down making me bounce on the spot.

"OH. MON. DIEU. HI RAVEN, I HAVE BEEN DYING TO MEET YOU. I'M SO HAPPY YOU'RE HERE," she screams, hugging me even tighter.

"It's nice to meet you too Anna," I smile, feeling relieved that she actually likes me.

She breaks out of the hug and faces her brother, "she can obviously stay, you didn't even need to ask."

His sister is so sweet, she reminds me of these three amazing girls I haven't seen in ages.

"Thank you for letting me stay."

She smiles and nods her head. I look down at what I'm wearing and it was definitely not party material, I'm guessing Anna read my mind because she grabs onto my hand and pulls me up the stairs.

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