Chapter 36

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Raven's P.O.V

Tyler sighs before starting to speak, "I know I shouldn't be saying this because it makes me sound like a really bad person but at this point, I don't care.

I'm delighted that he cheated on you before your wedding. If you would have gotten married to him, he would have done the same thing in your married life. So, I'm happy you found out his truth before you got married to him. And now that I know you won't ever go back to him. I have a chance with you now."

I smile up at him, feeling my heartbeat rising, "I'm happy I didn't get married to him either and he cheated on me because if he didn't, I would have never received the chance of coming here and meeting the most special person in my life, apart from Kourtney and Tom, you."

Tyler's eyes soften even more and he squeezes my hand that he was holding before bringing it up to his mouth and kissing my palm.

"I'm so grateful to have met such a brilliant girl, he was a dickhead for cheating on you and he probably regrets it and will continue to regret it for the rest of his life."

Tyler was such a sweetheart and I couldn't believe that I had the chance of being in his life, I hope no one ever dares to hurt his precious soul.

"I really thought I loved him but when I came here, I stopped caring about him straight away. I feel like my feelings for him were never real. The fact that he cheated on me hurt me more, I never loved him, my feelings got mixed up."

He sighs out with relief, "you don't know how glad I am to hear you say that, it hurt me so much to sit here and listen to you talking about another guy."

I blush and look down at my lap, "I'm sorry if my story upset you in any way, but I think we should get going."

He looks down at his expensive-looking watch, I can't tell what brand it was but it looked really fashionable.

Tyler nods at his watch and then gets up from his chair, me following his movements.

"Would you like me to drop you off at home? Or do you want to go somewhere else and have a little bit of fun?" he asks me.

I think for a little while, "yes, can we please go to the park?" I ask him, excited.

"The park?" Tyler asks, his eyebrows scrunching up in confusion with an amused glint in his eyes.

"Yes, I haven't been in so long, Tom hates the park so we barely ever go."

Tyler chuckles then gives me one of his cute smiles, "you're so sweet, come on then, let's go to the park and have some fun."

We leave the breakfast shop and drive over to the park. We haven't even gotten out of the car yet but we can already hear all the little kids yelling and enjoying themselves.

Tyler and I walk over to one of the benches and sit down, looking at all the bright smiles on all the children who were playing on the swings and sliding down the slides.

"You really like children, don't you?" Tyler asks me, turning around to look at me.

"Yes, of course I do, children are adorable. I really want some of my own one day, I know I don't know how it feels to be a mother but I know it'll be an amazing experience getting to hold your own creation in your arms."

"You'd be an amazing mother, and what do you mean you don't know how it feels? I know you don't have any kids of your own but you are a babysitter."

"I guess I do know a bit about children, I'm experienced, but it might be different with my own children."

Tyler nods his head, "that's true, how many kids would you want to have?"

"I don't want that many, maybe about two children, how many would you like to have?" I ask him.

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