Chapter 15

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Raven's P.O.V

I woke up bright and early the next morning and quickly got dressed. After having a shower obviously.

I was waiting downstairs for the mums and the girls to come down so we can go dress shopping.

I've been really eager for today. It's like one of those things every girl dream of... well maybe not every, but most... maybe.

When they do come downstairs, I quickly eat my breakfast while they take their time to eat, just to tease me. We're in the car now, driving to a bridal shop.

Trisha turns to me, "we're going to go to Mrs Plums bridal shop, I know her personally and she has amazing dresses. I hope that's okay?"

"Of course," I say, I didn't care for anything designer or crazy fancy. Just something nice that I would like and would look good on me.

"How do you know her though?" I ask.

"I actually bought my own wedding dress from her shop," she says, turning back around so we couldn't see her blush.

Awe, that's so sweet.

The journey took about 45 minutes. London traffic. Sigh.

Mum pulls the car over in front of a medium-sized bridal shop, it looked really nice from outside. It seemed spacious too, being on the outskirts of London.

Trisha walks in front of us while we follow her from behind. As we enter the shop, Trisha runs up to an old lady and gives her a hug.

"It's wonderful to see you, Mrs Plum," Trisha says.

"It's good to see you too Trisha, I haven't seen you guys in so long," she says, walking over to the girls and giving them a hug too.

"Why hasn't Ryder come?" she asks.

"He's at home, he isn't allowed to see his bride's dress."

Mrs Plum gasps, "he's getting married? Congratulations, I'm so happy for you all. Who is he getting married to?"

Trisha pulls me towards Mrs Plum, "this is Raven, Ryder's fiancé," Trisha introduces me to her.

"Hello Mrs Plum, it's really nice to meet you," I say, giving her a smile.

She smiles back at me, "you're so beautiful, Raven. I hope you and Ryder have an amazingly long life filled with happiness," she says holding my face in-between both of her hands.

She's such a sweet, little old lady, she's already made a soft spot in my heart. "Thank you, Mrs Plum," I say, taking hold of her hands.

"Come on then, it's time to find you your special dress."


Surprisingly, I found the dress instantly! It was absolutely gorgeous.

The dress was a champagne tulle wedding dress with illusion lace long sleeves.

After we finished our lunch, we were walking back to the car, done for the day. That's when I thought of Ryder, he's probably at home hungry.

"You guys go to the car, I'll be there in a couple of minutes," I tell the rest.

They nod and walk away while I run into the nearest fast food place, it's a Burger King, and wait at the order station.

When it was my turn, I approach the lady to order.

"Hello, what would you like to order?" she asks.

What's something Ryder would like to eat?

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