Chapter 20

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Raven's P.O.V

Kourtney pulls over my car to the address Zara sent me and it looked like an old broken cottage.

Should I risk going in?

What if this was all just a setup?

What if she just made up this whole fake story, just to lure me in here?

No, I need to go in there, for my doubts to come to an end.

"Let's go!" I tell Kourt, who quickly comes around to help me out. It's not easy moving around in a wedding dress.

I run to the cottage and find the front door open.

Kourtney leads the way, her hand wrapping around mine. There were so many turns and corners, it felt like a maze.

A sound comes from behind me, I turn around to see a door.

My blood runs cold, as Kourt whispers, "Raven..."

No, that can't be what I think it is.

I drop Kourtney's hand and walk over to the door. The sounds become louder and louder each time I take a step forward.

I close my eyes tightly and slowly turn the doorknob, opening the door.

My heart shatters completely, as a cry gets stuck in my throat.

There he was, in his wedding suit. Fucking his best friend. On our wedding day.

I cover my mouth so no sounds of my sobbing could be heard.

"Harder Ryder, it feels so good," Zara purrs, making me want to vomit.

"I love you so much babe, I can't believe I was going to get married to that worthless piece of shit," Ryder moans.

"HELL NO!" Kourtney yells, making Ryder fly off the bed, "no you did not, you mother fucking asshole!"

Tears stream down my face, but I grab onto Kourtney's arm, stopping her from pummelling Ryder.

"R-raven," he stutters, face drawn with horror as he pulled up his trousers.

I just stand here, not saying or feeling anything, just crying.

"DON'T SAY HER NAME!" Kourtney yells.

"I-it's not w-what it looks like," he stutters.

"The hell it doesn't," Kourtney scoffs. She pulls me bringing me to stand beside her. "Look at her Ryder. She is flipping drop-dead gorgeous and an amazing human," Kourtney glares at him.

"And you cheated on her. For that!" Kourtney points at Zara, "that ugly donkey sucking bitch! She looks like fucking used tampon."

Ryder runs his hands threw his hair, eyes shooting to Zara, who was glaring at Kourtney.

"You lost out son!" Kourtney sniggered.

"Look at my Raven and look at... that." Kourtney glared at the girl.

"Enjoy your trash man hun!" She snorts, pulling me away with her.

As soon as we step away from the door, I burst into tears and run out of the cottage.

I'm humiliated. I can feel Kourtney close beside me.

Ryder follows us, screaming my name.

When I make it outside, I realise it's raining.

The cold miserable drops land on my skin, wetting my wedding dress making it glue to my body. It doesn't matter anymore. The dress is useless now.

I pull out the grip in my hair and throw it across the small yard.

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