Chapter 7

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Raven's P.O.V

What on earth is actually happening right now?

Are Ryder's lips really attached to mine at this moment?

This is like the second time we've met and he's already kissing me?

I don't know if I should kiss him back or not. I probably should but just before I can, he breaks the kiss and stares down at me.

My lips start to feel weird, wanting, no needing his lips back on mine.

"Don't you worry babe, you will get plenty of kisses later on," he says, making my cheeks flush with embarrassment... and shame, and all the synonyms to those words.

I can't even explain how embarrassed I am. I have no words left to even say, so I just run out the room, drowning in my shame.

I lock the door to my parent's bathroom.

Looking into the mirror, my eyes widen in shock, my hair looks like it has been electrocuted then been through a thunderstorm. But that should be the last thing I was worrying about.

I have just had my first kiss; I don't even know if I should be happy or sad. I wanted to have my firsts with someone I loved and cared about, the guy feeling the same way about me.

Ryder definitely does not like me like that, because first, we just met and second, he seems like the typical Wattpad bad boy player.

A player doesn't fall for someone that easily.

But I couldn't help but wonder if he did like or even enjoy the kiss we shared. I enjoyed the kiss a lot because he was really good at the task.

The thing that concerns me most, is that my future "husband" that had just kissed me, didn't give me the tingles.

Most people say that when you kiss your soulmate it feels wonderful.

You get these amazing sensations that feel like the ground has disappeared from beneath your feet. Like stars exploding in the night sky whilst fairies and angels sing with joy.

Okay, that might be a little too much.

I quickly fix my hair, trying to make it as presentable as I can before walking out of the bathroom.

I stare at my closed bedroom door and fly down the stairs to the living room. I do not want to see Ryder for the rest of the night.

"Hi there Raven," Trisha smiles. I return the smile and give her a small wave, not bothered to open my mouth.

Can she tell that her son just kissed me? Gosh, I hope not.

I take a seat next to the girls who smile at me. They still look so bored.

But now is my chance to talk to them, "hi, are you guys alright?" I ask them.

"Yeah, we're fine, just a bit bored." Bella answers, looking up from her phone, she gives me a polite smile.

I smile back at her, "well, I'm here now! So, you can talk to me."

"Where's Ryder?" Avery asks, her eyes flickering to the stairs.

I blink, looking over at the stairs too. "Um," I clear my throat, "he's upstairs."

"How do you like our brother?" Everlyn asks with a smirk on her face, prodding me with her elbow.

I drop my gaze, my cheeks colouring. Again, "um, he's okay, I guess."

For the next twenty minutes or so, the girls and I talk.

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