Chapter 40

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"Ssshhhhhhhh" I yell at my phone alarm while trying to switch it off. 

I grumpily turn over and lie on my back, taking in the sunlit room of my small apartment.

I can't believe I have been in Edinburgh for 6 weeks. Normally I love this city but I just don't feel myself at the moment.

I can't stop thinking about Harry and find my mind constantly wondering to him; where is he and what is he doing? Does he ever think about me? I fluctuate between missing Harry so much my heart feels crushed, and hating him for ruining what we had.

I am feeling really rundown, probably from the stress and worry. Getting up in the morning is torture and I could curl up and nap anywhere, anytime. I have also been struggling to shake a stomach flu the last few weeks which is driving me crazy.

I finally get up and drag myself to the shower, standing under the hot water, hoping that this will wake me up and that today I will feel better. I get out the shower and wrap a towel around myself, before wondering into the bedroom to get dressed. I choose some tight black dungarees with a long-sleeved grey t-shirt underneath and cute pair of Converse platforms.

I walk into the small kitchen, and grab myself a glass of water and an apple. I never thought I would say this, but I have totally gone off coffee, even the smell repulses me, which is irritating as at least it would give me some energy.

I look at the time and realizing my client will be arriving soon, I grab my keys and walk down the stairs and into the studio.  Hamish is already there and blasting some terrible nineties R&B, I love my cousin but his taste in music is awful.

"Nessa! I hope you are ready for a busy day" he exclaims dramatically from the front of the studio.

I laugh and as I walking towards him, the bell over the shop door chimes as someone enters. I look to see who it is and recognise a friend of my cousins, Luca who owns the vintage vinyl store next door. He is holding 3 takeaway cups and smiles as he sees me.

"Hey" he greets us cheerfully while passing us each a drink "Hamish, I got you your usual triple shot cappuccino and Nessa I know you are going through your coffee aversion so I thought a peppermint tea. Hope that works"

"Oh wow, that's amazing! Thanks, so much Luca" I say gratefully.

I stand, looking out the window, half-heartedly chatting to him and Hamish. While they talk about some mutual friends, I take a moment to look at Luca. Before Harry he would totally have been my type; black hair, tall, covered in tattoos and piercings, tight skinny jeans and all black clothing. But that was before Harry and now, well now everyone else pales in comparison to him. 

I am woken from my day dream when I realise the time, and excuse myself to prepare my work space before my morning client arrives. I am just disinfecting and wiping down, when I notice Luca is standing behind me nervously.

I turn to him and say "Hey Luca, what's up?".

He smiles a dazzling smile and says a little nervously "Well, uh, I was wondering, if you aren't doing anything later Ness, if you would like to have a drink with me?".

I wasn't expecting this having been so wrapped up in Harry.

I flounder for a minute before replying "Oh, um Luca. I think you are great, but I have just got out of something and I don't think I am ready. I am so sorry".

He looks a little disappointed but says "No worries Nessa. If you change your mind, I'm just next door" before giving me a small wave and walking out.

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