서른 둘

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Wheein woke up completely naked, with an arm slung around her waist and a pair of bare breasts against her back. She stirred a bit, trying to stretch as much as possible without waking up her girlfriend of a few days, who was laying behind her on the floor in Yongsun's living room.

Hyejin felt Wheein's movement in her sleep, and unconsciously tightened her grip on the small girl, who grinned at the clinginess.

Wheein laced her fingers around Hyejin's, and soon felt a soft kiss pressed to her neck.

"Morning, Wheeinie." Hyejin greeted, her voice's hoarseness still present. Wheein stifled a yawn as she turned around in Hyejin's arms to face her.

"Good morning." Wheein replied, tangling her legs in Hyejin's and scooting closer. An arm settled itself on Hyejin's bent leg as she closed her eyes once more, inhaling her sweet scent.

"Your hair is a mess." Hyejin stated with a soft smile, as her free hand tried to smooth down Wheein's brown messy hair.

"Hmm." Wheein mumbled, breathing deeply through her nose as her hand moved upwards along Hyejin's body, settling on her lower back. Hyejin yawned, covering her mouth to do so.

"We should get dressed." She said. "Yongsun will send us to the streets if she finds us butt naked in her living room."

Wheein nodded, grumbling a soft "yeah", but she didn't move an inch, instead keeping her eyes closed.

"Someone's lazy this morning." Hyejin chuckled, a fingertip grazing her jawline, then down to her collarbone.

"I'm sore everywhere." Wheein complained, stretching and feeling pain in her legs, as if that would prove her point. It did made Hyejin laugh.

"Sore? You're sore? I'm the one who's gonna get mocked today, because of you." Hyejin retorted, placing a soft kiss on Wheein's cheek, who smirked.

"Because of me? No, sweetie, you just didn't believe in my abilities." The younger girl huffed and rolled her eyes mockingly.

"Yeah, because eating noodles upside down is a really normal thing to do."

"Shut up, weirdo."

"You weren't tell me to shut up last night." Hyejin retired, a teasing smile appearing across her lips. Wheein grinned and moved closer, brushing her lips against her girlfriend's as she spoke.

"And you weren't complaining about losing the bet."

Suddenly, a loud grumbling sound came from Wheein's stomach, making Hyejin laugh because of the ruined mood.

"I guess topping takes a toll on you." Hyejin said. "Perhaps I should take over the position from now on."

"Just go make breakfast." Wheein whined, although a smile threatened to escape.

Hyejin sat up with a grunt, yawning and attempting to crack her back, making Wheein yelp quietly as she did so.

"Don't do that!" She complained. Hyejin smiled and leaned down to place a soft kiss on her lips.

"I'm sorry, angel."

She quickly got dressed made her way to the kitchen, deciding to make breakfast for everyone, rather that just her and Wheein. She figured her unnies deserved some rest from household chores.

Soon enough, Wheein came to help, not having the heart to force her girlfriend to work alone.

They moved in unison in the kitchen, Hyejin frying four eggs while Wheein heated up some left over rice and set the table. As Hyejin plated the food, Wheein took out the kimchi tupperware from the fridge and served some in small bowls, as well as placing a jug of water, apple juice and four glasses on the table.

Hyejin smiled, satisfied with their work. Then, she looked at Wheein with a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Shall we go wake them up?"

Yongsun was sleeping peacefully, cuddled up to Byul's chest. Her right arm was tucked in between them, right below her chin, and her left arm was loosely around her girlfriend's waist. If you looked under the blanket, you'd barely be able to distinguish their legs.

Yongsun was sleeping peacefully, until something, or someone, decided to crush her to death, that is.

"What the hell?" She grumbled, struggling to open her eyes because of the light. When she was able to do so, her vision was covered with brown hair. Her body was being pressed to the matress by a smaller body. Suddenly, a high pitched noise rang through her ears. Most precisely Wheein's Doraemon morning call.

"Wheein-ah!" Yongsun yelled, hearing some commotion from the other side of the bed. Looking over, she saw Hyejin laughing while attempting to tickle a non-ticklish Byulyi, whose eyes were swollen from sleep and who did not look very amused.

"What's with you today?! God!" Yongsun asked, skillfully turning around and hugging a surprised Wheein, trying to fall back asleep.

Byulyi, on the other hand, had managed to trap Hyejin and was now vigorously torturing her with tickles, her loud laughs sounding through the room.

"U-Unnie!" She squealed when Byul lightly pinched her side. "I surrender!" She gasped, trying to find air in between laughs. Byul stopped, clearly satisfied at the youngest's red cheeks.

She looked over to find her girlfriend, and giggled when she found a very sleepy Yongsun holding onto a confused Wheein whose waking up attempt had clearly gone wrong. With a mischievous laugh, Byul carefully placed herself on top of Wheein, earning a soft "oof" from her, and a loud whine from Yongsun.

Hyejin decided it would be a good idea to join in on the fun, and laying on top of Byul, who grunted softly. Yongsun was lucky they were on a soft bed, otherwise she would've been crushed to death, for sure.

"We came to wake you up because we made breakfast." Hyejin explained. Byul's head shot up at that.

"Breakfast?! Let's go, I'm starving!" Hyejin snorted.

"Did certain late night activities cause that?"

"If by «late night activities» you mean binging Wynonna Earp while you two seemingly sacrificed two children and a goat, then yeah." She deadpanned.

"Are you guys forgetting than I'm actually being sacrificed right now?" Yongsun complained, her face actually turning red.

They all got off from each other, and Byul leaned down to kiss her girlfriend properly for the first time that morning.

"I'm sorry baby. Let's go, I know you're hungry too."

Hey! I'm sorry that I haven't been as present and that the updates are coming slowly. This summer has been one of the hardest of my life, mentally wise, and I haven't been able to focus on writing that much, plus I'm lacking inspiration 😅😅

Hopefully you'll have an update of each story by the end of this week, I'm sorry again for the delay, and thank you once more for reading!

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