chapter 26: Pot o' Gold

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A couple of weeks have passed since Mercedes and Violet joined the Shelby's new Glee Club, and they were thriving

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A couple of weeks have passed since Mercedes and Violet joined the Shelby's new Glee Club, and they were thriving. Violet felt really good having a teacher that believes and appreciates her while also pushing her to do better. It was a nice change especially since she never got that type of attention with Mr. Schue. As a token of her appreciation, Violet made cookies for Shelby and brought them in for her in the morning.

Violet knocked on Ms. Corcoran's door. Shelby turned her head from the work she had on her desk and smiled at her new student. "Are those for me?"

"I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you." She set the plate of cookies down. "I didn't think that my vocal ability could even grow that much anymore, but you're a miracle worker."

"Well, it's pretty easy when I have someone who's as determined as you."

Violet just shrugged, "I don't know I guess I've always been a hard worker, but that energy was always misdirected. Last year in Glee Club, I just felt so underutilized. I felt like I was a glorified choreographer that wasn't getting paid, but also did level 1 Hip Hop choreography. I mean I didn't know it then because I thought I was just happy to be on stage again... but I want to be challenged by what I'm doing. I want to be creative and extend myself."

"Which you discovered again after coming back to Broadway." Violet was shocked. She didn't expect Shelby to know that about her since she hasn't really mentioned anything. "I make it my business to research my students, so I can teach to their strengths but also build upon their weaknesses. What I can't figure out is why you came back to Lima when you could've still played Maria on Broadway."

Violet furrowed her eyebrows, "My contract was up? I was out of a job, so I thought that I should come back here and continue my education?"

Shelby challenged her, "But you could've extended your contract or you could've auditioned for other roles on Broadway while still doing online school. You have the talent to really make it big, and you already have an in. I saw clips of you performing, and you're good especially for your age. You have the potential to be a legend. So what was it?"

"I– I love performing, and I loved being Maria... Lima's just the first place where I felt like I could breathe. I'm 17, and I already have so much work under my belt, but I want to have some semblance of normalcy."

She chuckled, "I get it. I came back to Lima to have a stable life too. I wanted my daughter to have her mom around, and maybe have her get to know her biological parents too..." Shelby's voice trailed off.

Violet nodded, "Ya know, you're really doing good by her then. My mother wasn't really there for me... at all."

"It's good to hear that. All of this mom stuff is still difficult, so it's good to hear that what I'm doing is right." The first of the bell rang for the day, "Okay, you should get to your homeroom before you get marked late. I will see you later for Glee practice."

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