Greetings from the Cast!!

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Kon'nichiwa Minna-san!!! It's been a while, ne? -Author-san

I hope you'd support this story like you did on the first one! -Mizumi

Yeah! Support Teiko, too!! -Kanata

Waah!! Kanata!! Hisashiburi!! Where have you been?? -Mizumi

Well, I had a low profile since Author-san forgot about me... -Kanata

Sumimasen!!! -Author-san

Daijobu, author-san, atleast you remembered me now. -Kanata

Ano.. I thought this was a greeting from the cast? -Kuroko

Kyaah!! - All 3 girls

How long have you been there? -Author-san

I've been here the whole time.. Domo, minna-san. I hope that you would read this. Author-san has put in all her efforts for this.. -Kuroko

Arigato, Kuroko - Author-san

*munch* Author-san,*munch* you *munch* promised snacks. -Murasakibara

Hai.Hai. I'll go make some strawberry pancakes!! *o* -Author-san

With nutella!! -Mizumi and Momoi

Kon'nichiwa, Momoi - Author-san

Kon'nichiwa, *phew* I thought we were gonna be late! -Momoi

Why? - Kanata

Well, it took sooo long to get Dai-chan and Midorima-kun to come along. If it wasn't for Akashi-kun then they wouldn't come. -Momoi

*peeps from the kitchen* What did Akashi do? Threaten them with scissors? Hahahah -Author-san

What if I did? -Akashi

Nothing! *goes back to making pancakes* -Author-san

After this, we will start our training. -Akashi

Hai- All of them

I'm finished! Tadah!!! *shows them loads of strawberry pancakes with lots of nutella* -Author-san

Sugoi! How did you finish so fast? -Mizumi

Its-a-se-cret! Now dig in minna!! -Author-san

Itadakimasu!- All of them

Its.. delicious!! -Momoi and Kanata

Teach me how to make this, Author-san! -Mizumi

Sure!.... Where are Aomine, Kise and Midorima by the way? -Author-san

They're right he-.... They escaped? -Momoi

How dare they? -Akashi

Woah, now. Finish your food first. -Author-san

Who are you to command me? -Akashi

*has a very dark aura* I' So the Characters.Should.Stay.Put.and.Listen. *Takes out a Death Scythe* -Author-san

*glares* --- *glares*

This doesn't look good.. -Kanata

You bet -Mizumi

Oi! What the hell's going on? -Aomine

Ahomine! Where were you?! You too, Kise and Midorima! -Mizumi

I just went to the bathroom. And Its Aomine!! -Aho-... Aomine

I received an important call so I stepped out a bit-ssu. -Kise

I bought my lucky item from a store near by. -Midorima

*sigh* I think that we should stop them first before everything gets destroyed. -Kanata

Hmm.... Think.. AHA! *walks over to Author-san* Ne, author-san... I invited your favorite characters Twelve and Nine from Zankyou no Terror to come here!! -Mizumi

Really? *Scary aura disappears* *gets replaced with a gloomy aura* Don't joke around! They died on the last episode!! *sobs* -Author-san

E-eh?! They did?!.. G-Gomen.. I didn't finish it.. -Mizumi

*author-san keeps crying*

Tss. There's only one way to make her stop.. -Midorima

Let's start the chapters!! -Kise

*author stops crying* Yay! But we forgot someone!!! -Author-san

Who? -All of them

Us!! -The GoG

Come on! We're rivals! How can you forget us? -Kagari

And finally! I get to be shown!! -Kamui

Tss. Onii-chan, you're so childish.. -Luca

Hai.Hai. Now let's just give a greeting so the story can go on.. -Satomi


Please support the story/me!! -GoG

Who said 'me'? -Shei

*everyone points at Kagari*

W-Whaa??? It wasn't me! I swear! -Kagari

Run. -Shei

Aand~ they started chasing each other -Mizumi

W-Well, this isn't funny at all.. Let's end this here! KUROKO!! -Author-san

This ends this Greeting. Please enjoy the show. -_- -Kuroko

[ The photo on the side is of Mizumi. ^_^ Credits for it... ]

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