Chapter 12

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Sohyun’s POV

They kept on glaring each other, their eyes were filled with anger and it seem like they were doing some competition. I know enough of this sibling thing; they aren’t going to give up if they are against each other.

“Wait, I have an idea” as soon as I spoke Jennie and Taehyung instantly turned to her still when intense gaze.

“Let’s go and watch horror movie that just got released this week” I know one thing that is common between this two sibling is that they can’t resist horror movies. They would agree to go to a horror movie even with their enemies but I was not one of them, I don’t like to watch horror movies at all it isn’t like I am scared of ghosts or monsters it’s just that I don’t like them.

“But you don’t like horror movies” Jennie pointed out.

“I want to watch this one it has my favorite actor,” it was a partial lie, it did have my favorite actor and Jennie knows that but I would never watch a horror movie just because it. But I didn’t have any other way to make this two hang out together.

“Okay! Let’s go,” Jennie took my hand and started dragging me.

“Wait for me” Taehyung also started following us.

In no time we were in front of the movie hall, “Jennie-ah, go and get ticket for us, Sohyun and I will go and buy snacks.” Taehyung with his hoarse voice commanded Jennie, I could clearly sense he want to spend some time with me. I smiled to that thought.

“Okay, let me do this favor for you and no need thank me”

“I wasn’t going to thank you, you were the one to third wheel with us” I heard Taehyung whisper after Jennie left. I turned to him and smiled, “Don’t smile to me, I am angry with you”

“Why?” instead of replying he turned his back towards me.

“Okay, I am sorry I won’t ever do this again” he still didn’t utter a word.

“Tae baby don’t be angry with me” I spoke childishly.

“How can you do this to me…wait what did you just call me?” his mood suddenly changed and started smiling.

“What? Taehyung?...” I acted innocent

“No, the other one”

“I don’t know the other one, let’s go and buy snacks Jennie must be coming back after buying the ticket.”

“I won’t move an inch if you don’t call me by that name”

“Okay Tae, Let’s go” he happily swung his hands over my shoulder and hugged me, “Now, we are even and if you repeat this next time I am surely going to punish you”. We then headed to buy snacks.

In the movie hall Tae insisted on sitting in between us, Jennie finally gave up and sat next to Tae.

The movie started, it was swift at beginning but slowly rising action started, I felt my heart beat rising and I started getting nervous. As soon as the ghost appeared on the screen, I closed my eyes and my hands turned into fist. I felt something warm covering my fist, did the ghost come out the screen, will it appear in front of me as soon as I open my eyes, thousands of things were hovering in my mind when I heard Tae whispering in my ears, “Are you scared?”

I instantly opened my eyes, “It’s nothing like that”

“If you are, you can listen to music and watch my handsome face and I will keep on looking your pretty face.” He took out his earphones from his pocket and passed it to me. I took it from him, he really cares for me and I am very lucky to have him, I could not help but smile every time I am with him.

Jennie was really engrossed in movie and continuously eating the snacks, whereas Tae and I were completely engrossed in our world. It was the most beautiful moment he was holding my hands and staring in my eyes. And I didn’t know when the movie ended.

“Let’s go, movie ended, you two really want to embarrass me” Jennie’s voice brought us back to the real world.

It wasn’t a crime to be caught in between romance but it did give me a new feeling. Jennie then continued, “I am leaving, I have had enough of your romance and kim Taehyung don’t think you have won I want you to buy me a dress as a compensation.”

“Really, deal” Taehyung excitedly replied.

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