Chapter 13

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Taehyung’s POV

After Jennie left, Sohyun and I walked to park, it was evening already and the sky was getting painted red.

“Sohyun-ah, do you know that you are my first girlfriend?” I don’t know why but I felt the sudden urge to ask her.

“Yes, I do. I know that you weren’t interested in girls till you met me, Jennie was shocked when you asked her about me” I was startled to know that Jennie had told her everything, I never thought that even girls share everything with their best friend, even her talks with her brother.

“What more do you know about me?”

“Almost everything, did you know that I had a crush on you since I first saw you. It was just that I wasn’t confident enough to approach you.” I was glad to hear that and all I could reply was “I regret that I didn’t meet you earlier”

~Time Skipped~

The days passed and the season changed, the flowers bloomed and rain stopped and our relationship was still as strong as it can be. I kept on going to her school to meet her after her class, Jennie kept on telling me to stop coming as she is fed up with my face. I even got close to Lucas, he wasn’t that bad at all and the similarities between us were enough to become friends.

“Tae, I need to talk to you” Sohyun approached me in a serious tone that for a moment I thought she wants to talk about breaking up

“Okay, but about what?” instead of replying she dragged me to a secluded place.

“I want to discuss about my studies with you, if I tell this in front of Jennie and Lucas I know they will be against me”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Do you know that I want to go university with you?”

“I know but you know that our university isn’t a place where you study law”

“I don’t want to study law now, I want to take English major and I know that it is there in the university you are studying”

“But Sohyun-ah I know that you always wanted to study law and help people but why are you giving up your dreams?” It would be a lie if I say I wasn’t happy when she said that she wants to go to a same university as me but it wasn’t right. She is giving up her dreams because of me and in later part of her life what if she regrets her decision.

“I have been thinking about it a lot, all I want is to write whether it is about a case or a book, so I guess even dreams change” I was completely speechless, was it right for me to be happy? This question kept on hovering in my mind. I know I am being selfish but for once in my life I want to hold onto her and be with her for my eternity.

Sohyun’s POV

I did think a lot, my dreams got overshadowed by my feeling for Tae. At the time what I wanted the most was to be with him. I couldn’t think of my life without him, and I got an idea all I want is to write and I know I am really good with language so why not I take English major.

I could see that Tae was speechless with my decision, I know if I tell Lucas and Jennie about this they would get mad so the only person I could talk was Tae. I know he will understand me.

“Sohyun-ah you can’t do this, this isn’t right” Tae intercepted.

“Aren’t you happy that we are going to study in the same college?” I was hurt I thought atleast he would be happy.

“It isn’t like I am not happy but you are giving up on your dream and I won’t be happy if you do that, you don’t have to give up on anything we can stay like this till we graduate.”

“I am surprised to know that you aren’t supporting me” I walked out of the scene.

“Sohyun-ah, are you leaving?” Lucas instantly got up when he saw me leaving. I walked out without saying anything I heard Tae calling me but I was reluctant to turn back. After covering some distance fuming with anger I sat on the nearby bench to rest.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, I thought Tae came to talk but I was disappointed as soon as I turned back. Lucas was standing tall with my bag, “You left it there and any problem with Taehyung”

“I am scared that even you won’t support me”

“Why? Don’t worry I am always with you” this sentence melted me and I spoke all of it to him.

“What? You are giving up on you dream, how is that even possible? I know that you like Taehyung but this isn’t right” I was left shocked he said the same thing as Tae, am I wrong this time.

“You told me you are always with me”

“Okay let me listen to your reason of giving up on your dreams” I explained one by one to him and he agreed that I do have the talent in writing. He even boosted my confidence by commenting that a lawyer should not be a soft hearted person like me.

I know I had this dream since childhood but now I think this isn’t for me as I have the total opposite character to what a lawyer have to be. As my brain starts to calm down after talking with Lucas I regret acting that way to Tae. What should I do now?

Sorry for the delay, I will try my best to update. Thank you for supporting me by reading, voting and commenting

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