Chapter 39

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Taehyung’s POV

I am hopeless here, I can’t help Sohyun, she must be sad at home I need to plan something for her.

“Jimin-ah, what do you think I need to do in this situation?”

Jimin instantly looked up from the file he was reading, “Yah- are you still trying to get Sohyun back?”

“You know what, Sohyun still has me in her heart and for once I want to try with everything I have, I will tell her everything” I replied

“What do you mean by everything?” That’s when I remembered I haven’t told him about it, he is my best friend still, I didn’t want him to know about the thing that was going inside me.

“I will tell you when the time comes. First lets work on this scandal, I don’t want more pictures to get leaked but the announcement will be delayed till then be careful, no more articles should come.” I didn’t tell him, I didn’t have specific reasons but looking back, my past decisions seemed silly. I could only regret of not staying by her side.

It was almost 5 pm when I left office; I want to be with Sohyun. As soon as I arrived home, I met her eyes; she was sitting on the sofa watching news.

“Why do you watch this fake news?” I took remote from her hand and turned TV off.

“I can’t help it” she cried, I admit I was jealous, she is crying for another guy but what overtook me was the pain in my heart, I can’t watch her cry.

“Sohyun-ah, I need to talk with you” I spoke passing her a tissue.

“There is nothing to talk; I don’t want to talk with you.” She replied sniffing.

“I want to complete our incomplete talk, I want to explain everything and will you please give me 2 hours of your time? I want to take you somewhere.”

This time she nodded and that brought a bright smile to my face, she went to get changed but when she returned I could see that she was still wearing that same dress, just added a jacket.

The place I could think was park, after 4 years we were sitting on the same bench, I could recollect all our sweet memories.

“Only one hour and thirty minutes left, I want to end our talk, if you have something to explain I am listening,” this brought me out of my thoughts.

“Sohyun-ah, I know I have hurt you, but all I did was for you. I could not see you getting hurt all because of me I wanted to protect you.”

“Did you think you would be able to protect me after leaving me in cold?”

“That was what I thought at that time”

“Why? Why were you not able to see that my happiness was you? I could have faced difficulties with smiling face if you were with me; do you know how many nights I have spent trying to think what did I lack?”

“I am sorry, what I thought at the time was to protect you, I thought I would only give you wounds, my parents were blackmailing me. They wanted me to marry Jisoo…” This time she didn’t let me continue.

“Ah- I remember you are also married, you even got married just to protect me?” I remembered she still thinks I am married.

“Sohyun-ah, listen to me, I am not married, we were just engaged but soon she realized that my heart belonged to someone and she gave up.”

“Tae, I heard your side of story, you wanted to protect me, but didn’t you even for once think of saying all this to me 4 years back? I wasn’t that thoughtless who would not understand what you were going through, why, just why did you not tell me? Why were you so obsessed with protecting me?”

I was frustrated; she does not understand me, “for god sake Sohyun-ah, why don’t you realize? It was all because I like you, let me rephrase, I love you. This love is really a silly thing, it makes me want to protect you; want to make you the world’s happiest woman. For these 4 years, I was working hard to make myself stronger to the point where no one could meddle in between us. Grandma on her deathbed, told me to protect you, moreover Sohyun-ah I still love you, you were the first girl and you will be the last girl I love.”

Sohyun remained silent, she kept on staring the ground and it was already dark, the beams of light from the street light were weak.

“Sohyun-ah, do you still love me?” I questioned after gathering all courage I had.

I kept on staring at her until she nodded. I was flying; I couldn’t explain the happiness I was feeling.

“Will you give me a second chance?” I quickly added expecting a positive response but my happiness was short lived.

“I can’t cheat Jungkook, Tae let’s move on.” She exhaled deeply and added “Your 2 hours ends here and everything id over in between us, let’s just remain as friends” she stood up and walked away, while I was still on the bench with never-ending tears.

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