Chapter 31

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Taehyung’s POV

Sohyun disappeared from my sight with Jungkook, I was hurt but not because of the punch, my heart hurts. I know it was all my fault but I had no other ways, now that I see she got someone better, I think I need to let her stay at peace. I can’t bother her by telling the truth. The only way for her happiness is my silence.

“Hey bro, you didn’t tell me you were returning” I turned back to met the same tall guy.

“Lucas! How are you?” I instantly ran for a hug.

“Four years is really a long time, I thought you were never going to return and man you have really changed” Lucas still had that warm smile and even his friendliness didn’t change a bit.

“It’s just that I had some unfinished works here.” This made him a bit gloomy.

“Taehyung, if you are talking about Sohyun then I am sorry to tell you that she have moved on, I didn’t have the guts to tell her to wait for you, I didn’t know you will return. It’s just that I wanted her to be happy.”

“It’s not your fault Lucas, I also didn’t have the guts to tell her to wait for me and it was me who told you to keep Sohyun away from me so that she could be happy.” Just then a guy who had blond hair but wasn’t as tall as Lucas approached us.

“Yah- we are getting late, other members and manager hyung is waiting” He informed us.

“You must be busy, let’s meet after you get off your work, I will text you the address,” I then turned to the guy and he seemed familiar.

“He is Suga, my band mate” we greeted each other.

“No wonder you looked familiar” I smiled to him and then turned back to Lucas “Anyways would you mind telling me what you are doing here?” I asked out of curiosity.

“We are changing our agency due to some issues, so our Manager told us that we should greet the new CEO of the company” Lucas explained and I could not help but smile.

“Your work is done, you have greeted me” I joked

“Yah- what does this mean, you are the new CEO?” Lucas almost lost his mind.

“Let’s talk in my office; I don’t think parking lots are meant for meetings.” I saw Suga was giving me death glares, I think he knows who I am.

“Okay, I will text them to come to office” Lucas took out his phone and started texting.

I called Jimin to prepare contract, I was happy to have Lucas under my agency, I felt as if I met my brother. Talks were done and I left the office early with Lucas. We decided to drink until we were knocked off.

Lucas’s POV

I was happy today to meet Taehyung but I am a bit nervous about how Sohyun must have reacted. We booked a private room as you know I have become a celebrity, it’s really tough to go out open and I try to never forget my mask, glasses and cap.

“Do you know what the best thing in Korea is?” Taehyung started talking after having few bottles of Soju.

“Girls?” I replied

“No, drinks! Especially soju, I really missed it. These four years were so tough for me, I kept on drinking but could not forget her, there wasn’t a second when I didn’t miss her, I kept on wanting to meet her, see her face and hug her tight but nothing was in my hands. Aish- what am I talking about? I was talking about soju and then Sohyun comes to my mind.”

Taehyung never shared anything like this to me, even when I met him last time at the hospital; he didn’t tell me anything about problem. I never knew he was holding so much within him.

“Do you know how much I love Sohyun? I can’t express it” he got totally drunk and was crying like a baby. “And now I don’t stand a chance, this is what I deserve for hurting her but I promise I wanted the best for her, my father knew about her and if I kept on seeing her, I knew that she will suffer” he kept on crying but I was too shocked to see this side of him.

“Yah- you will get nothing by hanging onto the past, you should also move on. You have a wife, you need to look after her and in case of Sohyun, she is happy with Jungkook you don’t have to feel guilty.” I didn’t understand my own words I didn’t know what I was talking. Years ago when Sohyun and Jungkook were not a thing, I saw Sohyun crying, she said Taehyung was getting married, how could he move on so fast?

“Wife?” Taehyung asked me. Was he too drunk to remember that he is married?

“Yeah, Jennie told that you were engaged to a girl. I was so angry at you; I thought how could you move on so fast? Even Sohyun kept on crying for weeks.”

“Which girl are you talking about?” He was really shocked this time.

“What was her name? I think I forgot but Jennie told me she was daughter of ….” This time he didn’t let me finish.

“Are you talking about Jisoo?”

“Yeah, exactly that was her name, Jisoo”

“It’s true that we got engaged, there was nothing between us, I kept on refusing and making excuses to avoid going on dates and finally she understood that I wasn’t interested in her. She broke our engagement and now she is married to Jung Hoseok.”

“That means you aren’t married?” It was my turn to get shocked.

“Sohyun also talked about my marriage, was she talking about this?”

“Yah- bro we need to tell Sohyun the truth,” I instantly stood up to leave. It wasn’t like I don’t like Jungkook with Sohyun but I know that Sohyun could be happier with Taehyung. I know he did hurt her in the past but he had his own reasons. Moreover she had the right to know the truth, I relly regretted last time for hiding about the fact that Taehyung bringing her to hospital, furthermore, she was so angry with me that she didn’t talk for a week with me.

“No, don’t, I beg you. Sohyun has moved on and she is happy, I can’t be the barrier in between them. I am okay with loving her from the distance.”

“Aish, why is fate so cruel on you?” after knowing his side of story, I could not help but cry. Now the only thing that can help me seal the pain was to drink,

“I know the fate was never in my favor, the only thing it gave me was a beautiful year with Sohyun.”

“Ahjuma, two more bottles of soju” Taehyung ordered for another round.

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