Chapter 36

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Jennie’s POV

Flashes everywhere, I was used to the exposure, but Jin don’t like coming out in the crowd but I don’t know how they knew about our arrival. We were surrounded by reporters, “Is it true that you are dating the great designer Kim Seok Jin?” Jin was trying his best to hide his face but one of the reporters noticed him. “Is that really Jin?”

Another one shouted, “So handsome”

While the one in the front questioned, “Wow- I can’t believe I am seeing him, does this mean that you two are dating?” questions kept on bombarding to us like a cannon firing. But we managed to keep silent and not answer any of their questions.

“How can they know that we were coming to Korea? I can’t remember telling to anyone.” I complained as soon as we got inside the car.

“Neither did I, you know that I really hate these attentions as the only thing they see in me is my handsome face but do not give attention to my works.” He made a disappointed face.

“It’s all because you are handsome” I tried to encourage him.

“Do you mean my works aren’t pretty?”

“I don’t mean anything like this, you are taking in wrong direction and can you please drop me to Sohyun’s house?”

“Yah- you promised that you will go to meet my parents” Jin complained making pleading face.

“I know but we can do this in the evening, I need to save Sohyun’s life, this brat avoided me for 4 years and now he is here to ruin her life. I can’t take this, I really am going to find out what is going inside him.” I gave him long explanation, I think he have understood when he nodded.

“Okay, but I am going with you I know you are going to create mess there.” How do you think I survived 4 years without? Its right, Jin always took her role in my life, he controls me when I am angry and sometimes I feel like they are the same person but I am really happy to have this two in my life.

“Okay” I smiled at him

“Yah- I need to call my agency, the internet must be mad with our news” I shouted all of sudden as for a moment I forgot about the scene we created at the airport.

“I don’t care as it is not fake news” Jin stated bluntly.

“How can you be so cool? I know you are selfish, who cares when I am the one who would be suffering, your fan girls would push me to corner and my CEO and manager would pressurize me to death.” I was a bit angry at how cool he was acting when I know I am in trouble.

“Do you think your fans will leave me? Moreover I am just a designer and I am sure your fans might also torture me to death.”

“Yah- don’t act innocent, with that face of yours I know you have more followers than some celebrities.” I spit back.

“I am sad that even you don’t appreciate my works, do you think I am famous just because of my face?”

“Usually you won’t stop bragging about your worldwide handsome face but what happened to you today? I am sensing something fishy…” I was left incomplete when my phone rang. It was Taehyung.

Jin’s POV

Was I acting too much? I think so; actually it was me who informed those reporters, it’s all because I want to let the world know that this pretty girl who is on the phone right now is mine. Jennie doesn’t want to let the world know, I know it is not because she is not thinking of me in her future, it’s just that both of us are at the peak of our career and she doesn’t want people to peep in our personal life. I tried my best to hide my smile; I know that she would be really angry for a while but eventually the freedom we will get after that is what matters to me. I hate the way we are hiding from the fear of paparazzi, for once I want to have a normal life like we had in olden days.

“I hate this guy.” Jennie shouted when she cut the call.

“Why are you talking to him in such a way?” I know Taehyung completely avoided her for 4 years, even I don’t know the reason but I think he must be having a reason of acting in that way.

“You know all the reasons and you are still asking me” I could sense that her mood was off.

“Jennie- my cutie pie I think you should have a serious conversation with him, I think he is hiding thousands of things inside him.”

“I know that but he isn’t sharing anything at all, I know how these 4 years have passed, he would avoid me just to avoid talking about Sohyun. He never took rest but kept on studying, I thought it was to take over our family business but as soon as he graduated, he moved out of the house and started his own business. Mom and Dad have also given up as Taehyung is running the business well and they tried every way possible to make him fail but I am happy that he is still strong as ever and even made a bigger empire than that of our parents.” She huffed at the end and I could see her eyes filled with tears.

“I don’t know what made him hurt Sohyun, I never thought they would end this way and I can’t let Sohyun wait for someone who became heartless.” This time I heard Jennie’s rare seriously emotional voice.

“Here we are, let’s go!” I stopped the car just in front of Sohyun’s house. “And cheer up; I don’t think you will like to go inside with this face?”

We rang the doorbell and as expected Taehyung was standing tall in front of us.

“Yah- you two made headlines today” He tried to joke but Jennie wasn’t touched at all.

“Not funny, let’s go to your hotel” Just when she was about to drag him out, I think its Sohyun’s mom, “You are also here, come in Jennie-ah, I will call Sohyun down, she will be happy to see you.”

Jennie gave Taehyung a scary stare, “Long time no see,” I hugged him while he smiled and spoke, “Congratulations on becoming my official brother-in-law”

I was shy at first but soon went with the flow.

“I was telling your brother to stay here till he finds a house to stay, why to stay in hotel when you have a family here?” I heard Mrs. Kim speak. I thought she really is a kind hearted lady. I turned to see Sohyun and Jennie sitting together as if they were the opposite poles of the magnet.

“Aunty, I don’t think this is a good idea, he has enough money to waste.” Jennie was trying to convince Mrs. Kim whereas I was laughing at the way she was convincing.

“I don’t have any money to waste” Taehyung interrupted.

“Ommo- I forgot about you, you are the guy in the TV right? You must be Jennie’s boyfriend, aigoo- what a handsome guy. Jennie-ah, you are really lucky but I must tell you, you are luckier as Jennie is a nice girl” She spoke as she stood up and walked towards me who was standing with Taehyung.

“Nice to meet you Mrs. Kim, I am kim Seok-jin, I know that I am really lucky to have her.” I replied.

“You are here for the first time and I didn’t offer anything, I am sorry, Sohyun-ah, go and prepare tea.” Sohyun stood up and headed towards kitchen while Taehyung kept on watching her back. Something is really wrong.

Few minutes later, Mrs. Kim also headed towards kitchen and Jennie got the opportunity, “Yah- Kim Taehyung let’s leave when I am asking you nicely, if not you are going to regret later.” She warned while Taehyung wasn’t listening to her at all.

“Can’t you help me convince him?” Jennie started dragging me in between them.

“Taehyung-ah, did you really move here? Are all your clothes and things here?” I asked, I know Jennie asked me to convince him but I didn’t know how to.

‘Ding Dong’ the doorbell rang again, “someone is at the door,” Taehyung ran towards the door without answering our questions.

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