Chapter 42

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Sohyun's POV

In no time I was in front of his apartment, I know that his door pin was my birthday, I entered inside was a bit shocked to find a girl's shoe; I don't think this is his size. With heavy heart I entered inside, I came to clear all the misunderstanding but I don't know why I am getting a weird feeling today.

It took a lot of my courage to step forward, I don't want to know the truth, I don't want to know that there is someone else in Jungkook's life but at the same time I don't want to stay in dark, if he likes someone I can't keep on clinging on him.

The hall was empty but what caught my attention was the file on the table, it seemed like a medical report file. I think nurses were not just spreading rumors; I quickly walked towards the table and picked the file.

I wish I had never seen this, I want this to be a dream and all I want was to wake up. But this was it, IU's pregnancy report; it clearly had the father's name as Jeon Jungkook. For a moment I felt as if the whole world shattered. Why do I always end up like this? I thought this time, I really found someone who will be willing to spend his whole life with me. Tears started to roll down my cheeks, my heart was feeling numb and I didn't have the energy to walk to his room.

Just then, "Wait, I will bring you water" I heard Jungkook coming out of his room with a glass. He stood still when he saw me; I could clearly see that he was shocked.

"You didn't say anything about visiting me?" he questioned.

I instantly left the file on the table and replied after wiping my tears, "I am sorry for trespassing"

"I didn't mean that and Sohyun-ah, I can explain about that." Jungkook was following me as I was trying to run out of his apartment.

"What do you want to explain, about how you cheated me?" I still tried my best to hold the tears, I can't cry in front of him.

"It's not like that" he tried to hold my hands but I dodged it.

"Then tell me, tell me that child isn't your" he didn't reply, instead he started crying, "Sohyun-ah, you know I can't live without you"

"Kookie, I didn't expect this from you, I thought you understand what I have gone through with Tae and you are doing the same. I trusted you, never asked anything whether it be about the rumors or about your lies about having busy schedule today, so this must be the lesson you are teaching me today." I spitted all things that came to my mind.

"Sohyun-ah, I love you" he hugged me from behind, stopping me from leaving.

"But you are going to be a father, you need to take care of her, you need to take care of the baby and I know your fans are going to be happy as you are marrying her. I think I was dreaming this whole time; you were never going to marry me. It's my fault that I was fooled by you and don't say you love me, I don't believe in love now." I tried to walk out but his grip was too tight. I don't want to see his face any second longer.

"Kookie, it's all over and I don't want to see your face anymore. Don't try to hold me, the more I see your face the more I feel suffocated." I walked out as soon as he freed me from his hold. First the elevator then the parking lot, I could not think of anything, I was completely blank.

I have no one to blame, I was facing the same situation again but the only difference was, I wasn't crying. I was hurt as hell, I felt like crying but the tears have stopped, I kept on walking and reached that same bus stop near the hospital.

Why is the fate so cruel on me? Everything was going well, I was happy and then this. All I could do was call Lucas, Jennie is pregnant so she can't come here at this time and moreover, if I tell her, she is definitely going to tell Tae.

"Hello? Sohyun-ah, are you there? Why are you not speaking?" Lucas shouted from the other end.

"Can you come to pick me up? I am near the hospital"

"What happened to you, why are you sounding so weak?" still maintaining the consistency in his voice from the other end.

I didn't reply but he must have understood, "Wait I am coming to get you."

In about 5 minutes Lucas arrived with a taxi, he quickly came to me and helped me get inside the taxi. "Yah, what happened to you?"

I didn't answer, instead asked to driver to head towards home "Why? What happened? You were so cool during Jungkook's scandal and what's now?"

"Why am I so unlucky in love? All I want to do is crying but I think my tears got exhausted. What should I do Lucas?" I turned towards to meet his shocked eyes.

"Is it because of Jungkook? I need to confirm." He took out his phone to call but I snatched it from him.

"We broke up," I blankly stated.

"WHY? HOW?" he shouted so loud that the driver stopped driving and turned towards us. We apologized and asked him to continue driving.

"I don't want to talk about it"

"Yah- don't be sad, it's Independence Day for you today." I glared at him.

"Then should I go to him and punch him on the face?" but this wasn't helping me, deep down I was broken into pieces.

"Ahujushi, drop us to a bar" Lucas asked the driver.

"Why bar? I want to head home" I complained.

"You want to head home and cry? I won't let that happen. Let's drink to forget your worries." I want to forget everything, I agreed as I thought maybe, it will help me to forget.

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