Chapter 14

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Taehyung’s POV

It was our first fight, I didn’t know how to react or talk to her. I think it’s my fault not to understand her. I signed deeply and that somehow bothered Jimin.

“You are not hanging out with me and now you have started sighing as soon as you reach room”

“It’s not like that, my mood isn’t good today”

“What happened? Did you fight with Sohyun?” I was shocked with how he guessed so accurately.

“I knew it, if you are breaking up with her do let me know I want to ask her out and you know I don’t mind dating girls who likes you” I know that he was joking but still my heart ached at the thought of Sohyun being with my best friend.

“Don’t you dare” I warned him not because I don’t trust him but to go with the flow.

“I was joking but I really need to go for shopping tomorrow, will you come with me?”

“No, I still have to think of a way to resolve things between us.”

“Yah, you really forget friends when you get a girlfriend” he started his daily teasing about how I have changed after meeting Sohyun. I know there was a little truth in his teasing words but the heart wants what it wants as Selena said.

I rested my head on pillow and thought of thousand and one ways to talk with Sohyun and I don’t know when I eyelids closed.

Jimin’s POV

I know that Taehyung loves Sohyun more than anything and he could do everything for her sake. He didn’t tell me the reason of their fight but I know that everything or whatever Taehyung had done must be for her sake.

“Taehyung, wakeup it already 9am and aren’t you going out for Sohyun” I shook him with all my might and all I got in return was gentle sigh.

“Do not sigh like that it really irritates me” It was a truth I don’t like the way he sigh at me, it really gets on my nerves.

“I know you get irritated that’s why I do this time and again” he always goes extra miles to irritate me as best friends are made to be insulted.

“I am leaving for shopping with Jin” just when I finished informing him Jin entered the room.

“This sleeping handsome is still not up” Jin teased him and instead if replying Taehyung turned his back towards us.

“Don’t disturb him, kept on thinking of the ways until it was 4 in the morning.” We both laughed when we heard Taehyung snore.

“Why do you want to go shopping so early?” I asked Jin who want to reach the mall at 10 am sharp.

“I have a date with someone special”, I could hear shyness in his voice.

“I can’t believe that you called me to third wheel”

“It isn’t like that, she said that she will bring a friend of her, you can talk with her.”

“I am not confident; I don’t want to stay with a stranger for a long time, wait let me ask Taehyung to join me” I turned back towards room.

“No, you can’t tell him” he instantly pulled me.


“I am going out with his sister, he doesn’t know that and we have to keep this secret as you know Taehyung is too protective of his sister. Even Jennie asked me to keep this secret if not she won’t ever come to me again”

“That’s blackmailing bro, you have to tell him he have the right to know”
“I will tell him when the time comes”
“Okay but I am going to tell him if he asks me anything related to this”

“Okay, now walk fast we need to reach in time” we took bus and in no time we were in front of the Mall. Jin could not help but talk about Jennie all the way to Mall. I was disappointed in me being single when I see all around me so in love.

“Hi! Wait why are you here?” as soon as I turned, Jennie’s greetings turned to a question.

“He brought , here” I pointed towards Jin and all he gave was a guilty smile to Jennie.

“Anyways, meet Sohyun my best friend” I was shocked I would have guessed that Jennie would bring Sohyun with her, I should have forcefully dragged Taehyung with me but then I would have been left alone.
“Hi Sohyun, this is Jimin my good friend” Jin introduced.

“I know” I could clearly see Jin was shocked.

“Didn’t Jennie tell you that she is Taehyung’s girlfriend?” then shifted my gaze to Sohyun “Nice to meet you, I begged Taehyung to introduce me to you but he always makes excuses and today is the day I get to meet you”

“Nice to meet you too, Tae keeps on talks a lot about you….”

“Wait… wait, Jimin stop trying to take advantage of Taehyung’s absence if you try to flirt with her I am going to complain it to Taehyung”

“Okay, I got it and aren’t we going inside or we are just going to do window shopping”

We entered the Mall and soon parted our ways. Sohyun expressed how she wants apologize to Taehyung and I gave her an idea to buy a shirt for Taehyung while Jennie and Jin went their way to hangout. We picked up everything we thought was good and the decision taking time was so tough for us that I picked two shirts while she bought a couple t-shirt.

Sohyun was such a cheerful girl that I wasn’t uncomfortable for a minute, I didn’t feel like we met for the first time and now I know why Taehyung fell head over heels for her. What made me fall for her back then was her beauty but now I know her real value.

“Jimin! Sohyun! What are you two doing here together?”

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