Chapter 25

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Sohyun’s POV

“I want to announce something” Jungkook attracted all attention to him while we were eating lunch.

“I think I know what you are going to announce” RM replied with flat voice. I stared at him to keep his mouth shut I didn’t want him to ruin the grand thought of Jungkook but when does this RM doesn’t cause destruction.

“He is going to brag about how Sohyun have accepted his proposal and how happy he is as its day-1 for them, making singles like us jealous” RM continued to chew his sandwich while Lucas, Suga and Jungkook eyed him in full disappointment.

“Will the sky fall down if you let me announce my good news?” Jungkook sat down hopelessly and I could see that his smile got divided indefinitely compared to the time when he got up to announce. That was cute.

“Wah- Kim Sohyun you are finally sensing his sincerity, I got hopeless trying to explain the situation and how good Jungkook is for you and today was the time that got in your head” Lucas was pressing me and I tried my best to avoid any eye contact with him.

“Congratulations Jungkook-ah, finally you made her fall for you” Suga congratulated while RM sat quiet still busy with his sandwich.

“Thank me later, I am the one who got you a girlfriend” RM murmured and we all laughed at his statement. Others thought he was joking but I know he did really made me realize that Jungkook holds a meaning to me and I think he can help me forget Tae.

I was by my locker collecting books to leave for home when Jungkook stood beside me and spoke, “Let me drop you home today”. I could clearly see that he was blushing, does he gets this shy and nervous in front of me and I find this cute.

I didn’t say anything but nodded. We walked out of the campus and suddenly Jungkook stood still, “What happened? Any problem?” I could not help but ask.

“Yes” he answered bluntly.

I was shocked, what I mean is I didn’t do anything or I don’t see any problem. Instead of further explanations he showed me his hands and said, “The spaces between my fingers are empty.”

“They should be empty, what is the problem there?” I tried acting innocent but I knew that he wants me to hold his hands.

“I want you to fill these empty spaces”

“I don’t have any idea to fill those spaces” I continued to play

“I will teach you” I quickly held my hands and interlocked our fingers, “That’s how you do it, don’t let me teach you again and please don’t let it go”

“I can’t believe I am your first girlfriend, you really sound experienced” this made me think of Tae, I can’t believe I am saying the same thing.

“It’s all because of you, you make me feel this way” déjà vu the same answer, this is making me think more about Tae I need to focus on Jungkook, Tae is all in past. I tried to convince myself but each and every word, place and foods reminds me of him.

“Sohyun-ah, are you okay?” Jungkook dragged me out of my thoughts.

“You sounded just like Tae” it wasn’t intentional but it got out of my mouth.

“Yah- now you are making me jealous.” He tried to divert the topic and that what I like about him. He truly understands me, he knows how much I loved Tae and he still accepts me with all my flaws.

“But you are my present” I tried to brighten his mood and as always I succeeded.

Jungkook’s POV

I know Taehyung had been the most important part of Sohyun and he must have had a reason to leave the girl he loved. After I met Lucas I came to know the man I met at the bus station wasn’t Lucas. I am 100% sure that he was Kim Taehyung. I saw love for Sohyun in his eyes, the way he got jealous of my Jacket on her proved it.

FLASHBACK (the day I met Lucas)

“You met him at the bus station right? He is Lucas” I was shocked to see a tall, handsome and cool guy standing in front of me but he wasn’t the guy I met at the bus station.

“Nice to meet you but he wasn’t…” I was cut short by Lucas, “Nice to see you again” what does he mean by that?

“I am sorry I wasn’t able to thank you that day” he continued and I didn’t have any idea of what he was talking.

“Its okay” I tried to play along until Sohyun left for her class.

As soon as Sohyun left the scene, Lucas turned to me, “You must be thinking what’s happening, right?” I nodded. “Thanks for playing along”

“You weren’t the guy who took Sohyun to hospital, why did you lie to her?”

“I didn’t lie to her; I was the only person she saw when she woke up so she thinks it’s me who brought her to hospital. The guy who took her to hospital was her ex-boyfriend Kim Taehyung, he told me not to tell this to Sohyun and I beg you please don’t tell this to her” I didn’t say anything.

“Why am I telling this to a stranger?” I could hear him murmuring. I smiled at him and the replied, “Your secret is safe with me, friends?” I took out my hands from my pocket to start the friendship.


I know that Sohyun still thinks about him and I  want her to know that Taehyng must be having his own reasons to leave her, I want to tell her but a part of me doesn’t want her to let her know this. Am I being selfish?

If I tell her about Taehyung, tell her that Taehyung was the one to take her to hospital; will she once again start to wait for him and put me aside? Will she get unhappy again in this one sided love? I heard Lucas saying that Taehyung got engaged and he is never going to come back to Korea.

Whatever the reason maybe, Sohyun has the right to know that Taehyung was the one to take her to hospital and he loved her, he didn’t date her for time being and left her when he had to return to his place. She has the right and the consequences that follow will be her choice; I don’t want her to keep her in dark. I can’t keep secrets from her just because I fear she would leave me.

By telling her the truth certain part of me thought that she would be with me if she really likes me. And I believe that she likes me as she tells me that I am her present.

Yes, I have decided I will tell her tomorrow, I don’t care what would happen to us but I want Sohyun to feel special, Lucas told me that Sohyun had changed after the breakup, she really is good at hiding her sorrow but I could clearly see that the scars of betrayal is still giving her pain. I want to encourage her close the box of memories filled with Taehyung and start a fresh one with me.

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