Chapter 51

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Leo's POV:

Percy and I decided to wait a bit to tell his parents. We were walking to my house, because Piper was my ride. We got to my front door. We agreed to tell my mom first. We reached my front door. 

"Give me a moment," Percy said. He was extremely pale and was shaking.

"Are you okay?" I asked. He nodded.

"I guess... I've just never done this before. What if she doesn't like me?" I laughed.

"She literally asked why we were not dating. It will be fine," I said. He gave a small smile. 

"I guess you're right," he said. I opened the door and we walked in. I saw my mom sitting on the couch, watching TV.

"Hey," she said. She looked at us. She noticed Percy's panicked look. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah," I said. The two of us moved into the living room. I sat next to her on the couch and Percy sat in the chair. "We do need to talk, though." 

"What's wrong?" Mom asked.

"Nothing is wrong, it's actually good news," I said. "You remember how you asked why we aren't dating?"

"Yeah," she said slowly. 

"You can't ask that anymore," I said. She smiled widely. 

"Really?" she asked, looking at Percy. He nodded at her. She hugged me. I felt her gesture at Percy, half forcing him into the hug as well. "I'm so happy for you two." 

I smiled. After a few minutes, Percy pulled away. I was surprised he stayed in the hug for that long. 

"It seriously took you two long enough," Mom said. Percy nervous chuckled. She smiled at him. "I'm joking. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

"No, I'm just not good with people," he said, blushing. I snickered to myself. He heard me and glared. 

"How do you hear everything?" I asked. 

"Practice," he said. Mom gave a confused look, but didn't say anything about it. 

"Right sorry, I forgot." We all settled back into our seats. Mom had the news on. The anchor was currently talking with a police officer. 

"We are happy to have finally solved the case. However, it was truly upsetting to find we were to late." The officer seemed familiar to me. Looking over, I noticed Percy tense. 

"What is this about?" I asked my mother. 

"Remember that case a couple weeks ago they were showing on the news? They finally solved it," she said. I blinked. 

"How much are they going to talk about?" I asked, worried for Percy.

"I don't know, why?" she asked. In the corner of my eye, I saw Percy shake his head, clearly not wanting to talk about it.

"Just wondering," I said. I turned back to the TV. 

"We have fairly good reason to suspect her murderer was her now late, husband. We talked to her son, who gave us his side of the story." I tensed and glared at the TV.

"Can you tell us what he said?" the anchor asked. 

"I can't tell you everything he said, because he is a minor and we want him to stay safe," the officer said. 

"Bullshit," Percy muttered. 

"Hm?" Mom asked. 

"Oh, sorry. Nothing," Percy said. Looking fairly upset at the TV, he went back to being silent. 

"Is there a way you could contact him?" the anchor asked. "So we can hear his side of the story."

"I can try to call him," the officer said pulling out his phone. The anchor nodded. I tensed as I saw the officer dialing. Percy took out his phone, waiting for it to start ringing. As soon as it did, he answered.

"Stop the interview," he said, before the officer could speak. There was a small delay before it showed up on TV.

"What?" I heard the officer ask, confused. 

"What is happening?" Mom asked. Percy had his phone on speaker. 

"Stop the interview. Who gave you the right to speak on this?" Percy asked. 

"It's a public case, Percy," the officer stated. 

"And I requested you not contact me again for this case," Percy said, very angry. On the TV the officer shook his head as a 'no' towards the anchor. Percy clearly saw this. "Don't shake your head. You know full well I am correct."

"Clearly he doesn't want to speak," the anchor said. "I feel it is best for you to hang up, officer." 

"Yeah your right. I can just tell you what happened," he said. He then hung up. Percy stood up quickly and walked out of the room.

"Turn the TV off, please," I said, quietly. Mom nodded.

"What happened?" she asked. 

"I don't feel I should be the one to tell you. It isn't my place," I said. She nodded. 

"Let's go check on him," she said. I walked into the kitchen and saw Percy sitting at the table with his head down. I took a seat next to him. 

"Hey," I said gently. 

"I'm sorry," Percy said.

"It's okay, you didn't do anything wrong." I wrapped my arm around him. 

"I tried so hard to keep people from finding out, now it's on the news," he said, his voice choking up. "Not only will classmates see it, but Tyson could have seen that if his friend's parents were watching the news." 

Mom came over and sat across from us. She stayed silent. 

"I can't do anything either because he's right. It's a public file. Everything Gabe did is in there. I don't know--," Percy's voice broke. I had no idea what to say. 

"That officer should have had more common sense before agreeing to do the interview," I said. I rubbed his back gently, hoping I was helping. Percy chuckled and nodded.

"How do you seriously do that?" he asked. 

"I have no idea what you are talking about," I said. 

"Nevermind," he said. He leaned against me. Mom stood up. 

'Looks like you got this,' she mouthed to me and walked away. I gave her a thumbs up.

"So," I said. "Guess what?"

"What?" Percy said, looking at me. His eyes were slightly red. 

"You're my boyfriend," I said. He smiled. I gave him a kiss. "That means if anyone messes with you, they are messing with me."

"What are you going to do?" he asked, laughing.

"Probably make a joke and make them uncomfortable," I said. 

"Sounds about right," Percy laughed. I grabbed his hand and kissed it. 

"Just let me know if you need anything," I said. He smiled at me.

"Thanks," he said. 

I START SCHOOL TOMORROW TT^TT HALP! I have to actually do Zoom classes now. I wanna cry. That is all on that lol

Based on my mini rant last chapter, I have a couple things to say. Thank you for caring, but please don't insult my family. I get they make mistakes sometimes, but they are still good people. Everything is tense right now because there are 8-9 people living in the small house right now. My grandmother has 2-3 roommates (one is in college right now so he is over there) meaning my family is constantly on top of each other. Again, thank you for caring. 

I wanna dye my hair a different color, but I don't know what to go with. I want to do a solid color. If y'all have any ideas. I am staying away from blonde and black because my natural hair is blonde and I've done black a lot. I also will not be doing purple because that is my hair color now lol. 

I love you all <3

Abused Percy JacksonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang