Chapter 47

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Jake is alive?

It can't be... right?


I can't help but tense up in Ren's hold. If Jake's alive, then it can be really bad.

Who knows what he's capable of.

"I'm lost here. Go on a rampage?" Lia asks suspiciously.

"If you're not a born Undead, like me, there's a high chance you'll go mad after the transition. It's much worse for wolves than humans, because they have that other being inside them. Also, due to werewolves being able to heal better than humans and being overall stronger than them, it takes much more effort to turn them into Undeads. One of the ways to do that is to drain their blood and replace it with Undead's. And here's the catch. Because werewolves heal at a much faster pace than humans, it takes much more time to replace all of their blood, and during the time they have both Undead and werewolf blood, they're unpredictable and... lethal. During the transition they're the strongest they can be. Not only because they have both their wolf and the Undead side, but also because the initial bloodlust is... nearly impossible to sate." Luna Thea explains, shocking me with how knowledgeable she is on the topic.

"You've really done your research, huh?" Ren comments.

"I learned it all from that fu... - Luna pauses, glancing at the sleeping baby boy in her arms - that monster's notes back at the facility. I went through all files he had, even those written by that witch, Thalia. You'd be surprised at what I found there..."

"Do you still have those files?" Ren implores.

"I do. But they're back at our pack." Luna responds, gesturing at Alpha Leo with her head.

"So what you're saying is... if that Armstrong guy is alive then it's possible he's either being turned into an Undead or he's already been turned into one. Am I correct?" Lia questions.


"But who would be able to do that? You know, the whole transition?" I ask, frowning deeply as I try to put the pieces together.

"I think it's pretty obvious at this point..." Luna sighs sadly, glancing at Ren worriedly.

"Alex." Ren growls angrily.

"This is bad." Luna Thea mutters. "This is really bad."

"What do you mean?" I ask tentatively, slightly scared by the distress on Luna's face. If someone as strong and powerful as her is so disturbed, then this must be much worse than we anticipated.

"If Armstrong is really alive... then he's much stronger than you can imagine. Like I said, Undead in transition is extremely strong, since they have both their wolf and Undead's blood in them. I don't want to sound overly negative, but if Armstrong got turned into an Undead... he might be too powerful to stop. It's one thing to turn regular wolves into Undeads, but he's an alpha. This is really bad. Really, really bad." I unconsciously press myself closer to Ren as the realization hits me.

Jake might be unstoppable!

I hope, no, I pray that Jake is not alive.

"Hey, it's going to be alright. – I snap my head to Lia when I feel her grab my shaking hand – Don't worry too much yet. We still don't know if that guy is alive or not, so don't let it get to you. It's too early to determine anything." She says calmly, patting my hand gently. I can't even express how soothing her voice is right now. It's like she's casting a spell on me.

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