chapter thirty six

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IT'S been a whole month since everything. Liviana was now back to normal, only now she's openly with Erick and completely venom-free.

Jose and Susana were now on their side, so basically they're all getting along. Sebastian went missing to who knows where.

The demented's and the descendants were now considered one gang. They're all good friends, along with Christina.

Jade's pregnancy has been growing pretty fast. And by fast- she now looks like she's 5 months pregnant.

The teens were currently in class, with Jose just sitting at his desk giving them a free period.

Jade let out a soft huff as she patted her stomach. "What?" Liviana asked the girl next to her. "The baby good?" she asked again.

"I've just been feeling weird lately. My emotions are all over the place, heck my powers are all over the place," Jade chuckled.

"That's normal... right?" Liviana said, second guessing herself. "I hope so," the brunette shrugged as she rubbed her stomach.


It was lunch break, and the group all decided to just stay in the lounge. There was somewhat of a couch there, and Jade straight slumped down onto it.

"You good?" Jonah chuckled as she stood in front of her. "Or is my baby fucking you up?" he asked again and the girl flipped him off.

"I'm tired," Jade sighed. "It's only half the day," Richard stated. "She's pregnant idiot," Ariana nudged her boyfriend who shrugged.

"I just wanna sleep," Jade huffed. "We have 3 hours to go babe, you'll be fine," Ileana said to her friend.

"Guys, where's Chris?" Rebeka asked as she entered the lounge. "Haven't seen him all day," Zabdiel responded as everyone scanned the room.

"Why what happened?" Joel asked her. Rebeka walked inside and sat on the couch next to Jade as she told them what happened the day before.


Rebeka sat on her couch next to a grumpy Christopher. Not something you'd see often.

"What happened?" she asked him, getting worried.

The two had both developed feelings over the time they spent together, and there was no doubt they were falling hard.

"My parents," he let out. His parents found out about this little relationship Christopher and Rebeka had going on, and decided to investigate into it.

Let's just say they didn't like it.

"They want me to marry Lucy," he sighed. Rebeka felt a sharp pain straight through her heart. "They're arranging the marriage Rebe. I don't wanna do this, I can't," Christopher sighed, burying his face in his hands.

She knew there was pretty much nothing they can do.

"Let's run away," Christopher said, grabbing her two hands. "Chris," Rebeka sighed.

"No please, we can get out of this town. I won't have to marry Lucy, we just have to go far away from here," he pleaded.

"Chris, trust me I'd love to. But they're your parents. They know better," she said sadly. "So you're just gonna let me marry her?" Christopher asked, as he slowly let go of her hands.

"We don't exactly have a choice do we?" Rebeka questioned, trying not to show her sadness.

She had no one else, it was only him. But now?

End of flashback

───── ❝ 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐚𝐝𝐢 ❞ ─────

been prewriting what's up

i'm not givin y'all a break BRUH

i keep sneezing help (i sneezed as i typed this)

okay so, chris is gettin married.

ps, quick question. richard or zabdiel book?

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