Nota de Dahkeya #16

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I expected those mantises to come back, but not like this. They came at the village from two sides at the same time, and the way they moved... they were more coordinated than any wolf pack. They worked together like men would.

Took nearly half a day to fend them off, and they didn't leave us without scars. If attacks like this become common, we're going to be in a heap of trouble, so I've decided to round up my best men to track these monsters down. We've got to at least find out where they're coming from.

~ John Dahkeya


Esperaba que esas mantis volvieran, pero no así. Llegaron a la aldea desde dos lados al mismo tiempo, y la forma en que se movieron ... estaban más coordinadas que cualquier manada de lobos. Trabajaron juntas como lo harían los hombres.

Tardamos casi medio día en ahuyentarlas, y no nos dejaron sin cicatrices. Si ataques como este se vuelven comunes, nos meteremos en un montón de problemas, así que decidí reunir a mis mejores hombres para rastrear a esos monstruos. Tenemos que al menos averiguar de dónde vienen.

~ John Dahkeya


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