Chapter 33: Scarlett

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The christening for the devil child is over. He would have cried all the way through it if I had been holding him. He hates it when I held him and will only calm down when he is in Boris's arms. "Like father like son." I grumble to myself almost inaudibly. It was bad enough that I was forced into this ceremony and it didn't help that the Grand Duke Michael was staring at me whole time. Once or twice I shot him a flirtatious look just to make Boris angry,But it seems like he didn't care at all. Which is strange to me since he considered me his goddamn property. I watch as George walks up to me and smiles at me weakly. "How are you feeling?" I whisper putting my hand on his arm comfortingly wishing that I could do something more. "Better then I did. My family always cheers me up sooner or later." He says glancing over at Alice. Why do these words sting me so much? They are his family of course he loves them, a pang of jealousy hits me as he looks over at them. I look over and see Boris talking to Alice while looking at us and suddenly I laugh. I laugh as if someone had told the best joke in the world. Laugh at how Boris is trying to ruin my relationships but pushing me towards the Grand Duke. George turns to me confused. "It's nothing." I say stifling a laugh. Boris starts walking over to us leaving Alice looking puzzled and my face immediately falls at the sight of him. "Good evening your imperial highness I see that my wife has already started chatting your ear off." Boris says with a smirk on his face. And for someone reason I blush red, Jesus what's the matter with me? "Go away Boris you have no business here you bastard!" I snap at him. I don't know what's wrong with me. Maybe it is   the hormones from giving birth to that devil child. Boris steps closer to me "Don't be so rude Natasha." He says through gritted teeth. "You are the one who is being rude!" I snap back annoyed at how he has interrupted our conversation. "Grand Duke Boris." George says to him calmly. How can he be so calm towards him? The Scum of the earth himself? "Leave Boris!" I snap at him again. Can't he just leave me alone for once in his life?! "Natasha You should watch your tongue before it gets you kicked out of court." He snickers at me. "You should watch your hands before they put you in jail." I retort snarkily. And for a fleeting moment I watch anger flash across his face but just like that it's gone as he composed himself again. "Scarlett it's alright." George whispers to me. And I feel myself start to calm down a little bit at his reassuring words. "You should watch yourself. Especially since the tsarevitch is a married man." He sneers at me. I flush a scarlet color at what he is suggesting. He is the worst kind of person, implying an affair with George of all people? My face still burns red, "You bastard!" I yell at him and slap him across the face. "Scarlett!" I hear George hiss at me and I turn to him. "He deserves it! He's a devil!" I say then turn back to face the bastard. "He is right in a sense! You must be careful how you act! He is just taunting you for a reaction!" George says to me pleadingly as Boris smirks. I look at the smirking devil in disgust. "I hate you, You sick bastard!" I snap at him. "Scarlett watch yourself!" George says trying to get me to calm down but I am to far past that now. Boris turns to him. "Did she tell you about your son?" He says smugly no doubt looking at my reaction out of the corner of his eye. "What about him?" George asks somehow still remaining calm. I turn to Boris fire blazing inside of me "Shut up you rat! You have already ruined all my friendships." I yell at him as a panic takes hold of me. George won't understand, he doesn't understand what I've been through. "She should tell you herself." Boris says ignoring me completely. George looks at me "What about your son?" He asks. "He is a liar! A liar that ruins everything!" I say my heart racing. He will tell him and George will be angry with me, my only friend. "Tell him Natasha! Tell him about your hatred towards our son! He is just a child." Boris says to him with a sad expression on his face as if he's actually saddened and disappointed. George turns on a dime. "What?!" He says to me. "I-I can explain!" I say pleadingly. "Indulge me then." George says to me angrily. There is no explanation. I know there isn't. Not that he would understand. Not that I can say now. I stay silent and look at the ground my anger and frustration at everything boiling inside of me. My inability to do anything, to escape this fresh hell. "How can you hate your own son Scarlett?!" George asks in disbelief. "Excuse me." He says politely before walking off with Alice. Boris looks at me smugly. "Look at That, your adored Tsarevich is angry now." He gives me a fake pout before laughing at me. I quickly turn from him and walk back to my room with the tears streaming down my face as quickly as possible. My baby George is still in the nursery and I don't care where that devil child is. I lay down in the bed and start crying, Letting all of my emotions out from the past six weeks. I'm so tired of this monster and everything that he's put me through. I lay on my back and stare at the ceiling for hours trying to figure out how I can stop this helplessness in this hell on earth. I hear the door open and I turn my head to face it hoping that it's George coming to see me, I can try to make him understand. I immediately sit up and wiping my tears away put a smile on my face. It immediately falls completely off my face as Boris's face comes into view, I can tell he is drunk by the way he holds onto the doorframe for support. I turn my back to him and pull the covers up over my shoulders, I don't want this. "Isn't my whore happy to see me?" He slurs and pulls the covers off me and I try to push him off. He grabs my arm and pins me down to the bed, "Let go of me!" I spit at his face but he only tightens his grip on my arms. "Shut up you slut, you're the one deserving this." He says before forcing my legs apart.

I sit on the edge of the bed while Boris lays on the other side of the bed fast asleep. I shake with anger, I won't give him even the unconscious satisfaction of hearing me cry. I get ooff the bed and walk to the window resting my cheek on the cool glass of it, I'll get him back one day for what he's done.

I sleep until noon the next day exhausted. Thank God Boris is nowhere to be seen just the remnants of my nightgown on the floor. I slowly get dress and pull my sleeves down over my arms to hide the bruises, I don't want others pity I want something done. I walk to the nursery and I can feel my face light up as I see my beautiful son who is just starting to walk. "Hello my darling!" I coo at him as I enter stretching my arms out and he claps his hands happily as he seems. "Papa!" He says smiling And reaching out He bops up and down on the stool he's leaning on to stand up and looking behind me. I turn and see George entering the room I assume he is here for Nicholas. I quickly pick up my son and walk out of the room. Not looking at him as I walk out. I know he feels bad, He's George. He must try to understand. I take my son outside and we sit in the spring gardens for hours playing paddy cake and looking at the pretty flowers and animals all around us. all of a sudden there is a smell of acrid smoke in the air instead of the smell of roses. I pick him up and look at the building. My eyes go wide smoke is piling out the windows and I can see the fire looming inside the windows. People are screaming and children are crying. Everyone is in a panic trying to get themselves and their children out. I run to the front of the palace hoping to find anyone, Anyone I know. I have all I need right in my arms. As I run I bump into someone. Michael! He'll know where George is! I don't know why it matters so much to me but it does I have to know he's safe. "Miss Natasha are you alright?" He asks me with concern. I don't have time for his concern I don't have time for him I need to know where George is. "Michael! Where is George?" I ask wildly smoke filling the air near us and let out a cough. "Come on we have to get out of here!" He says taking my hand. "No! No I won't leave without him!" I take him by the collar "Where is he?" I ask again wildly. My son is crying in my ear but I ignore it. "I don't know! Now come on!" He says. But I don't care I run off trying to find him in the mass of people coming out of the building. I frantically look around for any glimpse of him, he has to be ok. He just has to! My eyes finally fix on him coming out of the building with Alice in his arms, not fully conscious. I ignore her and run to George immediately wrapping my arms around his neck in relief, what was he thinking? He could have-he could have been killed! "Are you alright?" I ask him, there's soot on his skin and he nods before coughing and nodding his head. He pushes me off before turning his attention to Alice. "Alice? Are you alright darling?" He puts her head in his lap holding her gently. A surge of jealousy goes up in me, I can't live without him. I love him. My head reels at the realization of what I just admitted to myself. I love him. I'm in love with him.

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