Flowers of Apology

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I've actually finished writing the entire book. Now just gotta edit and stuff, ya know?

Hand down a pretty little chapter. (maybe not little)



"Yoongi- he is the Demon King isn't he?"

Jimin didn't know why he needed the extra confirmation, he'd see all the evidence right in front of his eyes. Maybe some part of him wanted to seal that day off as a dream-or a nightmare, to be more accurate.

Hoseok, who was busy working in the garden, sighed, wiping his forehead on the back of his hand. "He is...the former Demon King" He shot a quick glance towards Jimin. "He was banished from Elyxion"

"But he still lives here" Jimin's statement came out as a protest.

"He is in hiding. He lives in the forbidden forest-the Nyx" The former Seelie dropped a few drops of the vial he was holding to the plant he was attending to. "The Nyx is a place that should not be traveled into, unless ordered by the council"

"And you...don't live with him...because?"

"Oh I would have, definitely" Hoseok laughed at Jimin's comical look of hesitance. "But Yoongi quite literally kicked me out. He said I deserved to live somewhere other than a forest"


Hoseok hummed, seeming to understand what Jimin was feeling. "Yoongi- he is a person who cares for others and regards himself as if he was nothing but a speck of dust. I would tell you not to judge him for what he has done to you, for he is not a person like that at all. And to be honest, he stopped himself before he could have hurt you" he stood up, closing the vial as he did so. "But I think you will find it hard to believe seeing as you have only seen him a handful of times"

"He stopped himself?" Jimin asked, surprised.

Hoseok nodded. "Yes. The consequences might have been...severe if he had not done so. As it happened, he did manage to stop himself before any real harm was done. So if I may say, I think that you should not judge him harshly"


Now Jimin felt ashamed. He'd just gone and judged Yoongi without truly knowing anything.

Good job Park Jimin, he groaned.

"He still did scare you though, so I think he has to apologize for that" The former Seelie shrugged. "But that is just my opinion"

Jimin absent-mindedly thought just how wise Hoseok was, despite his crazy personality "I just...need an explanation from him. Not even an apology, an explanation"

"Of course" Hoseok agreed. "But it might take some time. He is...not a very talkative person"

"I'm not going anywhere am I?" Jimin meant it as a joke, but the two of them quietened down at that, as if the weight of the situation cut through their mood.

Jimin suppressed a shiver. He still hadn't told Hoseok about his discovery. About- about Elyxion draining away his life.

He couldn't even think of saying it, the thought made him want to crawl into a hole and never come out again.

Hoseok gave a sigh, walking inside to wash his muddy hands. "Seokjin said that he could go into the Library of the North and see if they have anything remotely related"

"I'm sensing a but"

"He's worried that they will not let him access without permission from the higher ups, like the demons"

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