He Who Knows It All

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How have y'all been?

Also- the concept photos- i-


stay safe shits gonna be tough specially in USA now... :(

Anyway, enjoyyy


Jimin woke up tucked into bed with no recollection of how he ended up there; he was so sure he fell asleep on the couch, with Yoongi by his side.

His heart warmed when he remembered how Yoongi had held him and comforted him the night before. He'd never talked about himself on such a scale to anyone; completely held himself open for someone else. And yet, he'd never felt so secure about doing so either.

Throwing back the covers, he got down from bed, readying himself for the day.

It was almost a quarter past eleven when Yoongi stumbled out of his room, hair sticking out in all directions and rubbing his eyes adorably. Jimin could literally feel his heart swell with affection for this man.

"Good morning" he greeted, smiling.

Yoongi grunted out something akin to a greeting and shut himself in the bathroom. Jimin chuckled. He decided to get breakfast- or brunch- ready before Yoongi came out of the bathroom.


"Draiotch?" Yoongi repeated in surprise, having just walked out of his room after his so-called afternoon nap which, Jimin had learned, generally lasted up to three hours. "What about him?"

"He's the author of a book I'm reading right now, and it says he who knows it all so..." Jimin shrugged, a bit embarrassed at how desperate he was sounding. "I was a bit curious"

But he was allowed to be desperate, wasn't he?

He waited Yoongi to laugh it off, saying that it was just to lure people in, but the Reaper looked untterly serious.

"He does know it all, hence the title"

Jimin's eyebrows raised in surprise. "So he...has the answer to anything you ask?"

Yoongi nodded. "He was- is the greatest threat to the council. He has an ability that grants him all the knowledge and secrets of the universe. He can easily pull the council apart, with one sentence"

"But then...why hasn't he been...executed?" Jimin shuddered at the mere thought. "Not that it's not horrible but the council seems horrible so..."

Yoongi grimaced. "Because he managed to turn himself immortal, the old hag. And as much as he's an enemy, he'd also a useful weapon for the council"

The human frowned at this, and eyebrow raised. "You can do that? And also, you suspiciously sound like you know him"

Yoongi laughed, gums on display, a sight that had Jimin endeared. "He found out that the council would execute him and decided to turn himself immortal to be a constant pain in the backside. And yes, the council has always had a strange relationship with him. He is held prisoner by them because Draiotch is an asset, as much as he is a liability. So I have had my own encounters with him, in my day at the council"

Jimin was silent, processing that before he gingerly opened up the path of conversation he initially wanted to have. "You know, if he does know it all...won't he um...know a way to break this seal?"

The Reaper stilled at that.

"I mean, it was just an idea" Jimin hurriedly said, thinking that Yoongi was going to judge him for this rather pitiful attempt.

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