The Betrayal

361 35 5

We're warming uppppp yessssss 

honestly, almost 1k reads i am wowed 

thank you y'all!

Also MMA and MAMA- No one does it like BTS

and Sugaaaaa

But also TXT Twice Jessi (the poor baby mustve been nervous) and Hwasa (goddaaaaaam) and Mamamoo 

G-idle's stylists could've done a better job tho ngl

But also 8 awards dAMN

Anyway- enjoyyy


"Please, Yoongi. Please...

Don't call me angel"

Though the rain whipping around them, blurring their sights, it seemed as if the world had suddenly gone quiet. No one existed but Jimin and Yoongi, and slowly, between them, metaphorical but almost tangible wall was starting to build.

Jimin didn't know if it was rain pouring down his face or his own tears. And at this point, it did not matter.

He hadn't realized just how much he'd resented Yoongi calling him Angel, right until it had become too much. Until he'd snapped.

They just stood amongst the now dwindling rain, unable to move, yet unable to step away.

Jimin's lips began to tremble.

Erata's arm tangling with his was what bought him back to reality again. Seokjin had rushed up to Yoongi.

"We don't have time to be arguing about this right now" the girl soothingly said, gently patting his back. "Drink up this potion before you catch a cold, and let's get going, mh?"

And Jimin hadn't noticed that the rain had turned into a mere drizzle that allowed them to continue their journey. He'd been too busy eyeing the Reaper, trying to read his expression, his face ̶ anything. But he couldn't find s single fact that could be deciphered.

Erata had placed an opening of a small vial against Jimin's lips, tilting the small bottle so Jimin had no choice but to gulp the revolting medicine down.

"I'm cold" he whimpered, once done. His hands curled around himself, and he felt so cold, it was almost surreal. Erata pulled out a shirt from Jimin's bag immediately.

"Get into this" she gently ordered. "Come on, it'll be okay, yeah? Now just get changed"

Thoughtlessly, Jimin obliged. He couldn't see Yoongi now- wouldn't have seen either, because his vision was blurry and his hair was now plastered uncomfortably to his forehead, marring his vision. It was a kind of relief when he took of the soaked t-shirt of his shivering body and pulled on a dry one.

It was a few moments later, when everyone had gathered up under a tree, that Jimin finally saw Yoongi clearly. The man still looked dazed; disoriented. Like he hadn't processed what had happened yet.

And maybe he hadn't.

The rain was nothing but a soft pattering now, and they continued their journey forward with Jimin and Yoongi at either end of the group. The space between them was unusual, not to mention strange.

The regret of Jimin's words hadn't yet sunk in- maybe it wouldn't, hopefully- and Jimin was just walking forward in a trance. Erata had a firm grip around his wrist, pulling him forward with her, keeping him grounded.

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