Semi-late Halloween Special

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Enterprise: Are you sure we can go in here.

Y/N: Yes, come on. Its just an abandon school.

Y/N leading Enterprise, Cleveland, Belfast, and his brother into the abandon school. Once they enter, its pitch black, only one who can see like this being Y/N, with his eyes glowing green.

Cleveland: Oh great I already love this.

Cleveland and B/N turn on their flash lights, and all five of them begin to explore.

B/N: Human parents really sent there kids here? For hours each day?

Cleveland: Well they did have weekends off, but yea it dose not really seem right to do that.

Y/N: Well I mean, look at us, we age quicker into adult hood and we kinda had to go to school to to learn how to fight, use weapons etc.

They continue to explore, the only noises being heard, there footsteps and the wind outside.

Enterprise: This place was filled with children at some point, before the sirens came.

Suddenly a loud crash can be heard down the hall.

Y/N: Ok, that was not me.

Everyone stops in there tracks looking towards where the sound came from. Y/N being the first to walk towards the noise. They enter a class room where a part of the ceiling has fallen in and glass shards on the ground.

Belfast: It appears we found the source of the crash.

Cleveland: Yea looks like it. The supports must of been weakened with out humans for maintenance. 

They all head out of the room but Y/N stops.

Y/N: Ok that's weird. 

Everyone turns around and looks.

Y/N takes a step forward, and a step back. On his step back he can see his breath on this warm October night.

Y/N: Cold spot.

Steps forward, no breath. Steps back, can see breath.

B/N does the same and gets the same reaction.

B/N: That's very weird. 

Belfast: Isnt it sixty degrees currently.

Y/N: Yes and yet in this room, its cold enough to see our breath.

Cleveland: C-Come on now your messing with us.

B/N: I wish we were, but we really aren't.

All five leave the room, and continue to explore. 

Belfast: If Im right, this is like those horror movies the  people of Eagle Union have made. Soon we get separated and then -

Cleveland: Belfast stop talking please.

Belfast: Yes miss.

Y/N: Cleveland your not scared of ghosts are you?

Cleveland: N-NO! Shut up.

Y/N chuckles but is cut off. The only sound being made is him gasping, with a liquid in the noise. All four turn around to see Y/N floating in the air with a huge glass shard piercing right through his neck. The three girls shriek, and B/N quickly runs towards his brother but is pushed back by something. Y/N's eyes are glowing in between his Code G, and his night vision, but soon he stops struggling and falls onto the ground the blood quickly forming a puddle.

Standing behind him, a siren. Severely damaged, the weapons unable to even point at them. All four try to equip there rigging's, but are unable to. The signal to the mental cubes are being blocked. The siren backs away into the darkness and disappears. Before they can check Y/N's body, lockers, desks and chairs fly at them. Unable to destroy the objects they opt to run. 

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