Chapter 42:- Didn't like the Ending-Part 2

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In his dream, Charlus was back at the Raider Manor.

The Manor looked exactly like it had six months ago but something was different this time, the Manor felt more alive than it had all those months ago.

Charlus didn't know where he was going but he kept on walking. Everything was the same, the paintings, the drapes, the lightning, the carpets, and yet something was different. Very different.

He traced his hand along the wooden railing as he climbed the carpeted stairs. He was being pulled towards something, he didn't know what it was but the force was very strong.

On his way towards the secret location, Charlus stopped to take a look in a mirror that was engraved on one of the walls. A frown etched on his forehead as he examined himself. Charlus looked young, very young. His spiky brown hair was lush and beautiful, there were no wrinkles or frown lines on his face. It was young and pretty.

And his eyes, they were so gorgeous and lifelike.

He wished to stay there and look at his young, beautiful face until he could remember every single thing there was to remember. But the invisible string kept on tugging at his end.

By the time he knew where he was headed, he was already there.

He was at the Rolling Balcony and he wasn't alone.

There was someone else standing on the balcony. His back was facing Charlus so he couldn't make out his face. He didn't know whether it was the night playing tricks on him or his subconscious mind but the shape of his body, the untamed hair, and the red converse made him guess exactly who he was.

But it couldn't be, Charlus thought, can it?

There was only one reasonable explanation, Charlus was dead. Because the person standing in front of him was someone he never expected to see, at least not while he was still alive.

"James?" He croaked.

The figure turned back and Charlus's fragile heart caught up in his mouth.

It was James.

The same even smile was etched on his young face, his rimmed spectacles stood guard at his short nose. There was a scar that ran along the corner of his right cheek in the shape of a lightning bolt from when Dex had shocked him.

He looked exactly like he had the day he died.

"Charlie Blue!" He laughed as he welcomed him, "come here, old friend!"

Charlus felt like a helpless baby away from his mother's watchful eyes. He'd never expected to see the smile which was etched on James's face again, yet there it was in front of him just a few meters away from his eyes.

Charlus stepped ran towards James to embrace him in a brotherly hug but he found himself moving further away from him after every step he took.

By the time he realized what was happening, it was taken late.

"No no no no!" He cried as he desperately tried to hold on to something, "James! James! Help me!"

James didn't flinch from his position, he kept on smiling as Charlus was sucked out of the place.

"We'll meet again Blue!" Said Red, his voice pained with separation, "don't give up."

But it was too late. Red's voice kept echoing in his head as he was sucked out of the Manor and his pleasant dream.

Charlus's eyelids felt heavy with a burden as if the weight of the whole universe was resting atop them.

" could you do that!" He heard a woman's voice, "I trusted you, Alain! I trusted you!"

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