Life Goes On With You

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Jungkook never thought that falling in love more than he already had is possible but just the mere existence of Seokjin proved him wrong.

Because everyday he falls deeper and deeper for Kim Seokjin.

Jungkook stretched his muscles and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He woke up earlier than usual despite the biting cold December air.

"Perfect. More time to look at my Jinnie's face."

He tossed around the bed and gazed at the sleeping Seokjin. "He looks so handsome even when he's sleeping," he mumbled. His eyes traced every feature he had memorized a thousand times. "Everyday I'm so lucky just by looking at you for free," Jungkook whispered.

"How did I get so lucky to have you in my life, hyung? I must have saved the whole world in my previous life." Jungkook thought as he caressed his boyfriend's cheeks.

Seokjin smiled before opening his eyes. He knew the owner of the warm hands that have touched him lovingly.

"Good morning, Kookie." Jungkook melted at the sight before him. Seokjin's puffy eyes and bread cheeks look so adorable. He even had an entire album in his phone filled with pictures of Seokjin sleeping. "I must have saved the whole world and another planet to see this everyday."

Seokjin was about to get up but Jungkook's tight hug glued him on their bed. "I'm cold, hyung. Just stay here."

"Hello cold. I am hungry." Seokjin chuckled at Jungkook's pouting lips. "Get up, you lazy bunny. I'll make breakfast then we can cuddle after." It was a conpromise Jungkook was more than willing to take if it means having Seokjin in his arms again. Jungkook looked like a sulking puppy while following Seokjin to the kitchen.

"Must you attach yourself to me every minute?" Seokjin asked his boyfriend who had his arms around his waist whike he was cooking their breakfast."

"Not just every minute. I need you every second, hyung. You're so warm."

"I think you love my warmth more than you love me." Seokjin scoffed playfully.

"That's not true, baby. I love you and I also love making you warm," Jungkook whispered sexily against Seokjin's ear and bit the helix.

"Ouch! Hyung, you hurt me." Jungkook cried dramatically and touched the area above his ribs that Seokjin had elbowed.

"I swear if you won't behave, you won't receive cuddles," Jungkook pouted like a dejected baby "and don't give me the puppy eyes, Jeon Jungkook. Now please set the table and behave." Seokjin said sternly, his resolve almost breaking due to the puppy eyes. Jungkook knew not to test Seokjin's patience once he started saying his full name. He doesn't like to sleep on the couch again so Jungkook followed obediently while still pouting due to the lack of skinship.


"Why are you so clingy today?" Seokjin giggled as he felt Jungkook lace his arms loosely around his neck, head resting on the crown of his head. They sat on the carpeted floor in front of the fireplace and bask in each other's warmth. They watched the flames dance in the hearth and listen to the crackles produced by the firewood. The living room was dark and cozy with only the fire giving the place a beautiful mix of orange and yellow glow.

Jungkook nuzzled his face on Seokjin's neck. "Jin, I want seven kids. Four boys and three girls. Or maybe we could get all boys but I want a baby girl too."

Seokjin burst into a fit of laughter. "Wow this is so sudden. Seven kids? It looks like I'll be taking care of eight babies in total."

"Hey! I'm not a baby! I'm manly."

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