Chapter 23

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When Erza finished writing her message, she opened the window to her cottage and made a type of call. In two minutes an owl landed on the window sill.

"Take this to a man named Jellal. He's staying at the Summer palace and he has a tattoo over his eye that matches the royal crest of Northern Fiore."

She handed the owl the message and it flew away.

"What was that?" Natsu asked.

"That message is for someone I know." She explained. "He works as a guard for the royal family of Northern Fiore. In the message I asked him to come meet us here at my cottage because I believe that he can help us get some blood from the prince."

"You really think he'll help us?"

"If we explain the situation then yes. He's a very kind and understanding man."

"How did you meet him?"

"Long story, let's just say I robbed the wrong royals."

The owl flew straight to the Summer palace and spotted Jellal through one of it's many windows. At the moment he was sitting in the library and studying it's many books that contained the histories regarding the four kingdoms of Fiore. The owl perched himself on to the ledge and tapped on the window glass with it's beak. Jellal looked up from his desk and saw the nocturnal bird there with the small scroll in it's talons.

Curious, he opened the window and allowed the owl to drop the message into his hand. He unrolled it and read what was written inside. He smiled when he read that the message was from Erza and that she was asking him to meet her at her cottage for something important. He had been eager for a chance to see her again and at last it had come.

He grabbed a slip of paper and quill which he would use to write her back. He had just put the end of the quill on to the paper when he heard the library door open. He looked back and saw that it was his father who had entered the room. Jellal quickly hid his writing tools underneath a book and closed the window so the owl wouldn't be seen.

"Hello Father." He said. "What brings you by here?"

"I was looking for you. I have come to inform you that the Princess Mirajane has arrived. You are to meet her in the royal foyer and later she will be joining us for dinner."


"Of course. Now hurry along to your chambers, wash your face, and put on some more decent looking clothes."

"Father I'll gladly meet her but I don't know if I can make it to dinner tonight."

"Why not?"

"Because...Because I...I have so much studying I need to finish. I've only gotten through three books."

"You've done enough studying for the day and to refuse dinner with a royal princess, why that would be an insult to her and her kingdom."

"But Father I-"

"Don't argue with me young man. No son of mine will be disrespectful. Now I order you to go prepare yourself at once."

"Yes sir." He agreed reluctantly.

Jellal was disappointed that he couldn't accept Erza's invitation but his father's word had to be obeyed not to mention if the king found out he had been sneaking out of the palace in disguise as a guard, heaven only knows what that man would do.

As soon as the king left the library, Jellal checked to see if the owl was still at the window. He was. So Jellal composed a message that said he could not meet her tonight and that he was very sorry for being unable to do so. He gave his message to the owl who took it right back to Erza.

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