Chapter 14

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The kitchen was all set up with ingredients and the tools needed to cook with. Nasha was expecting it to be one of those frozen meat pies. Not one from scratch. 

"Have you ever made one of these before?" Nasha asked Elkis.

"I have but it's been awhile. I have the recipe right here." She said holding up a slip of paper. 

They started with the filling first. They prepared the meat and mixed the spices and gravy together to make the filling. 

"Does anyone want to add anything to their filling?" Elkis asked.

"I'm good." Greige said.

"Can I have cheese in mine?" Nasha asked. 


While the meat cooked they set to work on mixing the dough together. After that she divided up the dough into three little lumps which she and the kids each rolled out. Flour was sprinkled over it to keep it from sticking to the table but Greige thought his needed a little more. He went to get the flour from the cupboard but it was placed back and a height he had trouble reaching and he accidentally knocked the bag over and spilled a little onto Nasha's head.

"Hey!" She cried thinking he did it on purpose. "Oh you think that's funny huh!"

"It was an accident. I didn't mean to." He said.

But she didn't listen. Instead she grabbed a handful of flour and chunked it toward him. However he dodged it and the flour hit Elkis's back instead. 


She turned around and for a moment Nasha thought that she was in serious trouble. But much to her surprise, she threw flour right back at Nasha and started laughing. For a moment the salmon haired girl was too stunned to react but then she threw more flour at Elkis and some at Greige. Soon they were in an all out flour throwing battle. Laughter filled the air and smiles along with flour was all over their faces.  Eventually the sound of the oven timer got them to stop. They took the meat out, combined it with the filling, flattened the first half of dough on to the three dishes, poured the filling in, then covered it with the second half of their dough. 

Elkis placed the pies in the oven and set the kids to take a bath to wash off all the flour. She cleaned up the kitchen and washed the dishes while waiting for the meat pies to finish baking. When the three pies were done she called the kids down to eat and she went to take a shower before having her dinner.

The meat pie was incredible. Nasha loved it. It was so warm, savory, and full of flavor. It brought back the very few happy memories she had. One of which was the first meat pie she ever had. During her stay at one of her other foster homes she had a neighbor who was an old woman called Mrs. Dawn. A widow who walked with a cane so she had trouble doing certain things around the house. Nasha agreed to help her with her chores on the weekend and in return she paid Nasha five bucks an hour. 

She was a very sweet lady and she had become very lonely since her husband died. She enjoyed Nasha's company and was one of the very few people who had ever been nice to the girl. Then one night Nasha had punched one of the older foster kids for cutting a piece of her hair off with scissors. Her foster parents punished her by locking her outside in in their shed with no dinner. It was cold and rainy that night but she didn't stay there long. 

Mrs. Dawn had seen them lock her in their and managed to pick it with one of her hair pins. She brought Nasha inside her house and cooked her a meat pie to eat for dinner. She then prepared her a bath, gave her some warm pajamas to wear, and let her sleep in her comfy guest beds. It was the first act of kindness Nasha had ever been given and she so desperately didn't want to leave. The next morning Mrs. Dawn called the police and reported the foster parent's mistreatment of her. They were arrested and the kids were all taken back into the system.

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