Chapter 20

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When Elkis and Greige entered the diner she ordered a coffee for herself and a mug of hot chocolate for Griege. The coffee was done sooner than the cocoa but Elkis couldn't bring herself to drink it. She was too busy thinking about Dr. Fernandes. She didn't know why but she couldn't shake the feeling that she knew him from somewhere. But that couldn't be possible. She had no memory of ever meeting that man. At least she didn't think she did. She searched her memory as hard she could but his face was no where in there.

"Order up." A waitress with brown hair and a rather skimpy waitress said placing a mug of hot chocolate topped with whip cream and cinnamon on to the diner booth. Griege reached over to grab it. "Oh I'm sorry sweetie that's not for you. That's for her but yours will be done in just one more minute."

The her she was referring to was Juvina who was grading papers at her table. She stood up and went to take the mug.

"Thank you Cara." The school teacher said. 

"You're welcome." The waitress replied. 

"Good morning Elkis, Greige." She said when she saw them.

"Good morning Juvina." Elkis said.

"Miss Lockser you like cinnamon on your cocoa?" Greige observed. 

"Yes it's my favorite. " She said.

"It's my favorite too."

"Well isn't that funny." She smiled. "And how are you two this morning?"

"We're fine." Greige said. 

"Order up little man." Cara said handing him his cocoa.

"Thank you." He took a sip of the warm, chocolate drink and then glanced over to the jukebox in the corner. "Elkis can I have a quarter for the jukebox."

"Sure thing." She said giving a quarter. "Go pick a nice song."

He quickly went over to the machine, inserted his coin, and started picking a song for it to play.

 "He's such a darling." Juvina said as she watched him. "And so smart and observant."

"You don't know the half of it." Elkis said remembering the boy's comment about Gazeel. 

 "I heard about your house getting demolished Elkis. I'm so very sorry."

"It's alright. Nakku has agreed to let us move in with him until I can find a better place." 

"Oh he's always such a sweetheart."

"I know but I'm going to help him pay the rent by working an extra job. Nakku recommended that I work here at the diner."

"I think that's a very good idea. Mrs. Marvell pays very well or so I've been told." 

"I'll send an application in tomorrow. I hope she'll hire me."

"I'm sure she will." Juvina assured her. "On a different note I heard that you're taking the kids to see Dr. Fernandes today."

"Yes I just dropped Nasha off to have an hour long session with him and I'll bring Greige over when it's his turn. I really hope he can help me reach out to these kids."

"I'm certain if anyone can do it it's him."

"Juvina have I ever mentioned seeing Dr. Fernandes to you before the kids came along."

"No. Not at all. Why do you ask?"

"I don't know why but when I met him today I had the strangest feeling that I already knew him. I'm trying to figure if I had ever met him before and just forgot but his face doesn't seem to be anywhere in my memories."

Once Upon A TimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora